The hollyhock of his life

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At a boutique
Noone's POV

Chan has been going through hundreds of suits since morning but he still didn't find the one that made him feel special. He thought of taking a breather when he got a text from a special someone.

"Did you eat lunch yet?"

This caused a smile to bloom on Chan's face. He informed his husband to be of his about his futile attempt of finding his dream suit.

"Let's eat lunch and then maybe I can help you decide"

As tempting this suggestion was he didn't actually want Minho to know how he will look. Call it cliche but he wanted to surprise his lovely Aster fiancee with his look. He wanted to make Minho's jaw drop. Chan could imagine Minho pouting like a baby when he declined. And hear the huff when he read Minho's latest text.

"Atleast let's eat you are not starving on my watch kitten"

There again was one of those nicknames that made his heart drop to the floor and accelerate towards the moon. Made him feel all warm and his skin bloomed into different shades of red flora.

At a restaurant
Noone's POV

Chan was walking towards the restaurant where Minho aggressively had been waiting for Chan for a miserable 15 minutes. Distressed over how his appointment on the wedding suit didn't go well Chan didn't see his way, causing him to bump into someone on his way to Minho.

Chan didn't like it. He felt uncomfortable when he bumped into the stranger. But his heart halted when he lifted his face to look at the person. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Suddenly the world felt cold like the tundra of the artic.

The person infront of him was someone he wished to leave behind with his painful memories that he kept hidden. The ones that contained nothing but suffering and torment. The memories like purple hyacinths were of something he left behind in order to save himself.

Chan's POV

Minho was sitting near the window. He seemed dazed about something. His eyes that contained an entire cosmos seemed lost in their own meadow filled with dreams. The sun complimenting his now honey blonde hair and causing his face to glisten like white gold. He was just sitting finding his way through his crowded garden of thoughts. And even after years I still couldn't stop myself from admiring the peace and calm he radiated. I made my way towards him when suddenly the restaurant got crowded it was the afternoon rush. It got harder to weave through the sea of people without bumping into someone. Suddenly I felt a slight push propelling me into bump into something huge and hard I thought it was wall but even a wall could have been better than HIM.

Our eyes locked. I could feel the moth called fear spreading across my heart and sucking out every ounce of life.

"It's time to return to your place ebony bloom"

The words send a agonizing chill through my spine. I didn't wanted to go back. To sit with the bouquet of ebony blossoms, purple hyacinths and dried up white roses. I didn't desire to wear the wolfs Bane in my hair.
Seeing my frightened face he replied

"No matter what your heart wishes you can either come back to my side or get crushed. You wouldn't want the latter right my ebony bloom."

My eyes tried to find the person who could calm my panic attack. But when my gaze reached his previous place he was not there. My fiancee was gone and with him had the comforting scent of asters. My panicked mind couldn't process what was happening. It stopped functioning all together.

The one who had taken my heart and crushed it like a dried up flower and thrown it away was standing infront of me. Asking to either be his puppet again or face the dire aftereffects . While the one who had treated my wounds and took care of me like a fragile blossom was no where to be seen.

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