My words were no lies, you were the light of my life

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Minho's POV
At the wedding venue

The uneasy feeling was growing in the pit of my stomach. It was already quite late. And no one's phone was reachable. I started fidgeting. Felix reassured me that it was the high noon  traffic. It soothed the feeling a bit. But I still couldn't stop fidgeting. The guests started leaving towards the banquet table.

An hour has passed away but I did not see a sight of Chan. My anxious mind was imagining all types of scenarios. Most didn't bode well. But a certain scenario made horror creep over my heart. The thought Acon even a feet near him made me clench fists in anger .The anxious feeling kept creeping.

I was about to leave the altar and start a search by myself when suddenly the gates opened. It was an effort to keep my feet at their place and not hug the life out of the person. Tears of relief started flooding my eyes. At the gates stood Chan.

He shined like the moon flower. His whole being aglow. A halo seemed to appear on Chan's soft brown curls.
Chan's hair was  dishevelled. The tiara sat at precarious angle. And yet Chan looked like an adorable pixie. The moon pattern gleaming, it's fine golden thread shined like a mystic seal. Some red patches on Chan's collar and cuffs caught my attention but they seemed like ruby blossoms of hyacinths. But what caused my heart to stutter to a stop were Chan's eyes. They were expressing a whirlwind of emotions. But the most prominent was love. I  was drowning in his eyes.

Noone's POV

Chan came in like a tornado. At the last moment. Looking cute in his disarrayed hair and clothes.

"I am sorry I got caught up because of an accident, the car ahead of us got in a crash."

The word sent an anxious pang in Minho's being.  His eyes filled with worries. But it dissipated when he saw Chan smiling reassuringly.

The starstruck couples were drowning in each other's presence. They exchanged vows both said out loud and silent promises of love and loyalty. Holding hands like even a moment apart was a huge pain. 
That moment Minho felt something strange.

Chan's hand held all the warmth and yet they seemed to send chills into his skin. It didn't felt comfortable but neither did it feel uncomfortable. It was unusual. And Chan seemed to have removed his guard. Minho shook his head a little. It was unusual the way Chan seemed to express himself more freely.

"I promise to stay with you for all the time I have left. To choose you over and over again in each and every lifetime."

The words brought Minho back to the present. His heart swelled on hearing these words.

"If this is how love ends, I don't want to stop  loving you. I promise to always be by your side in each and every lifetime."

The words had spilt automatically from Minho's mouth. His brain had stopped functioning when he finally heard Chan's vow. His heart was yearning for Chan's touch. Minho couldn't wait to embrace and kiss Chan. The long wait had made him realise how fragile his lavender was.
The officiant announced "And now you are husbands to eachother. You may now kiss."

Nothing sounded more sweet to Chan. His wish had been realised. It filled his heart with giddiness and joy. His non existent pulse was racing as Minho slowly leaned towards him. Caressing his cheek and gazing at him.
The kiss was slow and sweet. It held every feeling they had towards each other. Chan felt roses bloom in his heart and butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Chan held himself in Minho's arms a moment longer. Taking in the feeling of love and adoration.

Minho noticed how Chan clung to him . He caressed Chan's hair softly. Holding him tighter tucking his angel's head under his chin. Lost in their moment of tenderness.

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