Chapter 4

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Three days had passed since their first afternoon in the clearing, where they did return often. All the time Mabel wasn't off doing something with her friends he would do something with her, otherwise, he would go with Bill at the pond. He was also leaving the demon alone in his room, guessing he could entertain himself with the books he had and Netflix. Apparently, the dream demon had enjoyed finding out he could watch movies in the room, especially horror ones.

Bill even showed him some little tricks, mostly about focusing so he could manage to do some. He showed him how to create fire, even if it was only a little flam in the palm of his hand. Dipper was happy when he heard the demon say he was quick to get how the thing works for a beginner. Bill was such the human had more magic in him that he would have thought of at first. Maybe his funny birthmark was for something.

It was late in the after none when they were back at the shack, stopping at the edge of the forest when Dipper noticed a car parked close to the habitation. Bill directly smiled, not needing much to know the Stans were finally here.

The young man was divided between being excited and happy about them finally arriving, and being worried about getting caught helping the demon. He turned to the demon, his look clearly telling him not to fuck it up. "Don't worry Pine Tree, I can be very quiet when I want to, how would I entertain myself if Six Fingers locked you up in the shack" joked the demon with a smirk, putting his gloved hand on the lower back of Dipper to make him walk towards the house.

"I will find a way to get inside your room without your help, just go and see them" Said the demon, leaving the human on the porch before leaving. Dipper hesitates about telling him to wait, before thinking he was right, it would be weird of not greeting them and he wanted to see them after all this time.

So he went in and joined the family sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Ford to finish cooking. "You finally managed to get here" smiled Dipper, yelping a little when Stanley came to him and dragged him in a thigh hug. He responds to it with a laugh, telling him he was happy to see them too. "Ford was sad not to see you dip-dop" commented Mabel with a laugh, Ford trying to make himself look tougher, even if they all knew he had a soft spot for Dipper.

"Anyway" he cut in his fail attempt at keeping face "You are on time for dinner, hope you didn't eat before". Dipper answer negatively, other than snack he hadn't eat since morning, so he was hungry. "I'm starving even" he joked, earning him a worried look from the scientist before he finally caught on the joking tone of the boy.

Soon they were all served, the older twins talking about how things had been, recounting stories from their time on the sea. Everything was going fine until they all heard something coming from upstairs. Dipper blood froze in his vein as everyone was now silent and trying to see if it would happen again. "What was that?" asked Stanley, frowning a little. "I'm going to go take a look".

"No!" said Dipper, surprising everyone at the table, before he coughs a little, quickly trying to find an excuse. "It must be an animal" he managed to find "I left my window open to change the air and I must have forgotten to close it" he explained as he was standing up. "I'll go and close it, the thing must be out if it was still open" he said quickly as he could suddenly hear other sounds.

He then rushed to his room, taking the stairs two by two. When he finally opened his door he saw Bill standing in the middle of the room, a squirrel in his hand, trying to free himself. "What are you doing!" He said, trying not to speak too high and be heard downstairs. "I opened the window to let some fresh air in and this little guy got in" respond the demon, keeping his own voice low too. Dipper's eyes widen when he heard Ford asking if everything was okay, clearly going up the stairs

"Yes, I think it was just a squirrel, it already went out" he said, seeing front the corner of the room Bill throwing the animal out while cursing because he had bitten him. Still, he could hear the scientist coming up and Dipper couldn't have Bill be found. "hide" he mouthed, as he was closing the windows, tensing when he heard Bill footsteps. He turns to see Ford appearing at the doorstep and the sheet hiding the storage room annexe to the bedroom area being closed.

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