Prologue - Kaminari Denki

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Staring at the person he had trusted for so long, Kaminari paused for a moment. He'd already experienced the drop in his stomach. Already felt the pang in his heart. Already felt the metaphoric knife in his back. He wasn't exactly sure what to do in this situation. Kaminari was fast. He could run. He could make it out of there in seconds. He could flee the country. He could do a lot of things in the scenario he was facing. A lot of things that would take away the life he'd built.

A lot of things that would betray the people he loved just like he was watching happen now.

As he watched the person he thought had loved him betray him, and tear apart their friendship, he knew he had to get out of there before he was caught. He didn't know what could happen if he was caught. He'd like to trust that they would keep him safe but he knew deep in the bottom of his heart that wouldn't be the case.

Kaminari started to back up from where he was. He didn't want to be loud. Loud wasn't what he needed. What he needed was a quiet place to go and think. As he stepped, one foot behind the other, eyes branding a mark in the back of the traitor's head he heard something next to him drop.

His prior friend turned his head and they made eye contact.

If you asked Kaminari Denki who he was he'd have a fast answer. He was a pro-hero in training. He was a student of Class-1A at Yueii Academy. He was a member of the self-proclaimed Bakusquad. He was the best friend of Kirishima. He was just a nice guy with a cool quirk.

Kaminari wouldn't tell you anything else. But as with anyone else, there were a lot of versions of Kaminari that went into the creation of the fun-loving and sweet Kaminari his classmates know and love. For example, Kaminari was also the friend of Hawks, the number 3 hero at the time. Kaminari was a homeowner. He had a job. He didn't know his parents. He was passionate about learning languages.

It wasn't well known that Kaminari had lived through a lot of rare experiences. He'd been placed into the adoption system at the age of four when he had not developed a quirk and was accepted into a prestigious middle school through government funding. He'd been placed into a low-scoring class for poor grades. With the help of his teachers and classmates, he climbed the ranks.

Kaminari had not only entered a classroom for students who weren't doing well. He'd also entered a classroom training its students to be well-rounded assassins. Different classified units would be working as teachers to not only provide them with an education but cultivate a new first line of defense for Japan. By the time he left, he went looking for jobs.

The Hero Public Safety Commission also referred to as the Hero Commission, reached out to him. In fact, they had reached out to several of his classmates. Kaminari as well as many of his classmates had qualifications, unlike many others that would give them the upper hand needed to be successful in such an area of work. One thing Kaminari was great with was technology. He'd learned many codes and knew how to operate systems that others didn't. It left him working as a so-called "Hacker" for the Hero Commission for a long period of time. Small crime scenes and digital forensics seemed to be his calling in life.

He was sent on missions within and outside of Japan. During these missions, he'd use his knowledge of foreign languages that he'd learned back in middle school as well as foreign databases and platforms to gain important information. He'd put his horrific childhood behind him. He'd moved on.

Kaminari didn't need a quirk to succeed. He was strong and talented in areas like language learning and combat. He'd learned to master the use of his body despite his lack of a quirk. Kaminari was fast. He didn't need a quirk to make him faster or stronger. He'd span long distances in record times and he didn't have to fight with fists when he was fantastic at hiding. He'd mastered a variety of weapons and while he refrained from using them he knew how to. A quirk was simply unnecessary.

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