Chapter 2 - Delays

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Kaminari had a meeting he needed to get to that day. There was no getting around things with the Hero Commission. There was no texting his boss to say that he was being held back and couldn't make it. Either you showed up or you didn't and things wouldn't go well for you if you didn't. Kaminari didn't have the luxury of dropping everything and showing up and the Hero Commission understood that. They'd given him the gracious ability to show up late if he had to keep his identity a secret from prying eyes.

Yet even just showing up late seemed impossible when every attempt for Kaminari to make it out of the damned building was being thwarted in one way or another. The first time it had happened, Kaminari wasn't too bothered.

Kirishima and he had been up earlier because they had intended on playing some video games with each other before doing their own thing for the rest of the day. Kaminari knew logically that he was supposed to get to the Hero Commission and meet with his boss by 10 am and he'd woken up at 7 am. He assumed that would have been enough time for a few rounds and then to get ready. Yet as 9 am rolled around, Kirishima kept pushing for another round or two. And who was Kaminari, just another teenage boy, to deny such a serotonin-inducing request? So by 9:30, Kaminari was already running late.

To move things along quicker, he skipped showering and decided he'd just do it after getting back and styled his hair with leave-in shampoo and a quick run of deodorant. Normally in getting ready for a meeting with the Hero Commission he'd have changed into a suit. It was customary to do so and he wasn't allowed to slack off on that just because he wouldn't be able to change before leaving. After all, Kaminari couldn't make it apparent to anyone else he was working with what his job was.

So, Kaminari grabbed a larger bag than he normally would bring to put his notebooks, files, a knife, and his suit in. (The knife and suit preferably not interacting as having a torn-up suit would not be ideal for him.) He'd just have to change before entering work and after leaving the Height's Alliance. Yet as he grabbed his bag and went to leave through the common room, Jirou stopped him.

"Hey, Kaminari. What's the big bag for?"

"Oh, this? Nothing much. I've got a game that I wanted to catch and thought it would be a good idea to bring some stuff with me."

"A game? Who are you going to see?" Jirou was obviously suspicious of the situation and Kaminari couldn't really blame her. Both of them knew that he wasn't exactly the type of person to go out and watch sports events regularly. If he was actually interested in a sports game he'd just turn it on and watch it on the television.

"Oh, my friend didn't actually tell me who it was. He just asked me to come along since he had a second ticket."

Jirou stared at him for a moment before speaking again, "Nope! No way! You're totally going to go see a girl, aren't you? I bet you've got like condoms and shit in that bag. No way. You failed your last test. You're not allowed to go see girls right now. I'm making Yaoyorozu help you study for at least an hour before any of that."

Jesus, why did Jirou have to be so on top of Kaminari's own work? Sure he wasn't that good with his academics but that was just because his interests weren't being discussed in class. He wasn't stupid. Just not interested. Still, though, Jirou did have a point. But he wasn't going to see a girl! Either way, there was no getting out of this one.

And so, by 10:30 am, he was finally out of his study session with Yaoyorozu. He ran back to his room and this time decided he'd just try and leave casually. That meant a little extra work though. So, he leaned out of his balcony and looked down at the street below him. If he left the notebooks behind and kept the files under his shirt then there wouldn't be any sensitive information that he'd be dropping multiple floors down. But that way he could make an excuse of going for a jog to get out of the building. That would work.

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