Chapter 4 - Meeting

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Author's Note: And here, my friends, is the obligatory Aizawa knife fight.

Kaminari had to admit that he was nervous about this. It wasn't every day that the proclaimed "golden retriever student" and "class idiot" was to attend a board meeting to discuss highly classified information about another student within the school that could result as life or death.

And it certainly wasn't every day that none of the staff there would know he was even supposed to be attending.

Currently, his biggest fear is that he would be stopped in one of the halls by another student or even a classmate. Worst of all would be a staff member. That would lead to too many unwanted questions. Kaminari really did not want that with his already heightened nerves.

He'd just say something wrong and get sent back to the Height's Alliance and miss out on the meeting he desperately needed to be at. Staff members at this school were like that and if they knew his reputation they'd assume he was going to pull a prank that wasn't needed when there was about to be a very important meeting. They didn't know he'd be attending that very important meeting instead.

Thankfully though, despite his fears that would happen, he made it to the room with relative ease. He knocked on the door and after a few moments, Principal Nezu opened the door a crack to see Kaminari. Kaminari looked down at him for a moment before saying, "Hello, Sir."

Nezu presumably smiled, though Kaminari had no idea if that was the case, and said, "Ah! Our special guest, you're just in time. Everyone has already arrived so there will be no need for extra introductions."

Kaminari nodded and entered the room behind Nezu. He looked around the room at the different people present in the room.

Hawks was the first person Kaminari noticed. He had to think that it was weird that the person he was told would definitely not be involved in helping Kaminari with the traitor was at one of the meetings. Hawks had a smirk on his face that said "A shit show is about to go down and it's your fault." It was a shit-eating grin and Kaminari almost wanted to smack it off of his face. He loved Hawks dearly but he was the biggest ass in the world.

The next people Kaminari noticed were some of his teachers. Aizawa, All Might, Ectoplasm, and Midnight were all present at this meeting. There were also a few other staff members that must have worked with different classes because Kaminari recognized them but was unsure of their names. It was a bit shocking that Present Mic wasn't attending but Kaminari knew that Mr. Aizawa would most likely fill him in.

The aforementioned was the first person to speak.

"Why is Kaminari here?"

"I believe you all received the email about our special guest from the Hero Commission?" Nezu said.

"Sir," All Might began, "I don't think this is the kind of thing we should be discussing in front of him."

"Ah, give it a rest guys. Haven't you figured it out?" Hawks asked. He was always ready to start drama.

Aizawa looked confused for a moment before he looked back to Kaminari.

"I am the person sent by the Hero Commission," Kaminari confessed.

The room was silent, perhaps in pure shock, and so Kaminari just sat down in the free chair. Nezu moved back to the chair he had been sitting in. All Might then spoke up again, "So, you mean to tell me that one of our students is the informant from the Hero Commission? Much less Kaminari? No offense."

"None taken, my personality is heavily played up for the class," Kaminari said. He wasn't exactly being professional, but he didn't want to make a bad impression on his teachers and he did want to be taken seriously. He suspected something like this would happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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