Chapter 1 - Moving Day

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It was officially moving day. Kaminari had collected his assortment of items and thought about how to arrange them in his room. It was exciting. When he had first moved into his house he'd been too busy and uninterested in decorating to dedicate any time to it and when he finally did gain an interest in it, he just threw things around the room without real thought about what else he'd be getting.

This time though, Kaminari would have the opportunity to decorate his room with a thought about the things he'd be putting in there. He'd collected a lot of things he had thought would be cool or trendy at the time and to his credit, were. Not all of them were that interesting now though. Kaminari had gone through a street fashion phase where he strictly bought clothing that was related to Japanese street fashion and especially a large number of hats and shoes. Kaminari had also taken his old license plate as well as his roommate's old license plate and used them as decoration. They looked nice and he wanted to keep them.

As he unpacked the boxes, he needed to be strategic in concealing things that he wouldn't want his classmates to find even under close inspection as he suspected that would happen. Underneath his bed wasn't going to be a smart place to put dangerous things but he could bury files under things no one would have any interest in looking at. He could hide drawers behind other drawers so no one would feel the need to look further than that. He left lots of open spots where he could place things that would be important.

People were stopping by his room frequently which was effectively removing his ability to hide important things without the risk of being caught. And he was nearly caught multiple times.

"Hey, Kaminari!" Kirishima exclaimed. "How's the room going?"

Kirishima allowed himself into the room as Kaminari quickly tossed the knife he had been moving over to his desk behind his back. It was a blatantly suspicious position to assume but he didn't have many other choices.

"It's going pretty good. Just a lot of things. I didn't realize how little room I'd have compared to my place."

"Really?" Kirishima questioned and Kaminari froze for a minute. He knew he was being obvious but he didn't think he had made it that clear he was trying to conceal something dangerous.

"Because I totally feel like I had a lot of space for my things. I'm like pretty sure you're secretly rich or something."

Oh, thank whatever god or gods were above.

"Oh- Haha, yeah I guess so. I'm not like super rich or anything. My room was just bigger than this I guess. My family must have gotten tired of me being cramped up with my item hoard. You know how it is," Kaminari tried to save. He was typically a very talkative person but he struggled when he was trying to falsify stories he didn't have any connection to. Kirishima obviously had a family he was close with and Kaminari didn't. It wasn't anything that Kaminari was upset about. It happened all the time when kids didn't develop a quirk. In fact, most of the kids that Kaminari had met growing up were children without quirks.

This wasn't something that he could just say though. He had a quirk now and people would begin to question why he had a quirk now and didn't before. Being a late bloomer couldn't explain his history. Most of it was classified information either way.

Kaminari and Kirishima conversed for a while and Kirishima never seemed to notice that he was trying to conceal something from him which led Kaminari to three possible conclusions. The first was that Kirishima was a great friend and wasn't going to invade his privacy. The second was that Kaminari was being too hard on himself and he did look pretty natural. The third was that Kirishima was just an oblivious fool.

Kaminari wasn't inclined to believe that the first was the case as the traitor theories had been spewed left and right and even if Kirishima wasn't inclined to believe them he'd been on higher alert and more likely to question things. So at that point, Kaminari just decided to have faith in himself and not in the likelihood that one of his best friends was a massive idiot.

He quickly slipped the knife into his drawer and went back to doing some more organizing in ways that weren't suspicious. It wasn't long before someone else showed up at his door.

"Hey, Kaminari! We're playing some games in the lobby. Wanna join?" Mina informed him.

He looked around his room for a couple of seconds and thought. He had things he hadn't unpacked yet that he really didn't want anyone discovering. Still, though, people would question him for staying to unpack rather than play games.

Kaminari had created a character. The character he played was someone who hated large amounts of work. Loved goofing about. Loved just being an average guy who lived by the less-known 70% effort rule, the 30% effort rule in which you put in 30% effort and just mess about and have fun the rest of the time. Kaminari's character was not the kind of person who would turn down games to take things out of boxes. Even if that was what Kaminari himself would have chosen to do in this situation.

"Yeah sure, let me see if I have any games I brought and I'll meet you down there in a few. Don't wait up."

It was the best he could do for the time being. He'd sort some things to the bottom of boxes and shove them in an inconspicuous corner. Then he'd just grab whatever old board games or video games he could find and make his way to the group.

Kaminari made his way down the elevator and joined a large number of his classmates in lighthearted fun. He spent a while getting his ass whooped in Mario Kart, remaining the champion of Tetris, losing an unholy amount of Go Fish, getting yelled at in Uno, skipping out of the inevitably extremely long game of Monopoly, and generally having fun.

This was what it was like being a student at Yueii. Training and becoming a hero was certainly part of the description but making friends and laughing and creating memories was too. Not just all of this spying and protecting and lying and hiding.

But that didn't mean it wasn't his job and once the fun was over, Kaminari went back to hiding any evidence that he was more than he claimed. That he was anything more than the character he portrayed on the daily. Still, though, Kaminari couldn't help but think that he was beginning to like being that character more and more.

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