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It took awhile, but the results came back. "Mrs Rodriguez, you're pregnant! Congratulations." The dr and ultrasound nurse said, "oh my goodness. I'm going to be a mom, holy shit!" I said, "whoops." I apologized. And they just laughed.
"Congrats again, you are free to go now. By the way you are 2 months along you 9 month journey!" The 2 people said leaving the room. I was beyond hyped and kinda nervous, I mean I've baby-sat but never to my own kid.

I got in the car and texted Benny.
Me: babe got good news, talk about it over dinner tonight.

Benny: mk love looking forward to it, I'm on the plane ride home from the Rockies stadium.

I liked his message then drove home, how are we going to announce this?
This news was pretty exciting because now I know that I'm not just gaining random weight, and I was getting some weird feelings and very queasy. I got home and decided to watch Benny's game on the tv, since it was a sick day for me at work.

I took a nap until Benny came home I guess. "Hey love." He said leaning over me and giving me a kiss.
hey babe." I said smiling, "got good news. Let's order food." I said, he laughed.
He told me all about his game and the win extending their win-streak of 14 games win in a row.

Dinner finally came, Chinese food my favorite.
"So what happened at the doctors?" Benny asked me.

"Well they took a few different tests, all the results came back good." I said and he nodded for me to continue.

"And I figured out that I'm pregnant!" I said smiling, Benny choked on his noodle.

"Wait really? I'm going to be a dad?" He questions, "Yep. in 7 more months tho." I said laughing.
"Wow this is crazy, we can announce it at our big game this weekend against the Padres." Benny said giving me a kiss and I agreed.

After dinner, we both talked about random things then we laid in bed because we both had a long day.
"Benny?" I asked, "yes my love?"
"Do you want this little angel to be a boy or girl?" I asked pointing to my stomach that was still pretty small, but not my regular size.

Benny took a deep breath, "I want it to be a little girl. So then she can look exactly like her beautiful mama, little evita." He said messing up my hair, "so you stuck with that name, evita?" I said, I remembered that one night awhile back when he planned out his future. He told me that we would have a little girl named evita, and the boy was my choice.

"Of course, my grandmother was very important and it's just a beautiful name." Benny said smiling and rubbing my stomach, "the next one you can name." He said, I laughed.

"As if this first one won't be hard enough- you want more? More for me to deal with." I joked,

"Yep more for me to enjoy and see little features of you in each one of them." Benny said, "awwww your so sweet."

"Yeah Whatever now I'm tired. Goodnight love and goodnight little angel." He said giving me a kiss and my stomach a kiss. Yep don't worry little me- you made a good choice sticking with him.

-The next day-

I woke up to some morning sickness, literally the worst part of this journey.
Benny made sure I was ok then drove ourselves to work. "K babe have fun. Love you." I said walking towards the elevator and Benny went to the locker rooms. Smalls was in the elevator and was talking to another man, Scotty nodded to me and I returned it.

"Harper this is one of our newer pitchers, fernando Valenzuela." Scotty said and I shook the mans hand, you could tell he was a pitcher by looking at him I guess. "I'm guessing your the famous mrs Rodriguez, the jet's wife?" Valenzuela said sticking his hand out, I shook it. "That's me, the one and only mrs Rodriguez." I said and the boys laughed. We had some more small talk until it was Scotty's and mine's level, "well see ya around Valenzuela." Scotty said, and I waved back to him.

-skip to that weekend-
Dodgers vs Padres.


Right after the national anthem was sung, Scotty told everyone that the Rodriguez's had an announcement.
The crowd went crazy as Harper and I walked on the field by home plate, she seemed super nervous.

'I love you' I whispered into her ear and she flashed me a nervous smile.
The attention was on us now, the other journalist was interviewing us and she mentioned an addition to our family.
The crowd went literally wild, cheers saying 'baby jet' and other things were heard everywhere. Harpers face was super excited and so was mine, I rubber her stomach and gave her a kiss. I couldn't wait for this little human to come out.

"It's time for dodger baseball." Vin sculls voiceover announced, we all ran onto the field and I looked up at smalls to see Harper sitting right next to him. They both shot me a thumbs up and I returned it, the Padres were up to bat.
We tried out our new pitcher, Fernando Valenzuela, hopefully he was good.

I was damn right, he struck out the first 2 batters and then the 3rd one hit a pop-fly causing the 3rd out.
It wasn't really a close game, we were winning by 4 runs. 8-4 and that's how it ended in the bottom of the 9th.
After another great game, Scotty and his wife decided to take Harper and I to dinner. But the smalls had to bring their kids, we would have to be doing that in about a year or less. I was expecting their kids to be wild, but no. I mean it is Scotty's kids, so they were pretty calm.

I hope ours I calm and not fussy, otherwise that would make our jobs more stressful without sleep.

After dinner, we talked a bit longer then we went home. I said goodnight to Harper then went to bed.

-end of chapter-

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