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About 2 months later

It was around 1 a.m. I'm guessing, "Benny ahhhhhhh." I heard Harper yell.
"Hey love, calm down. What's wrong?" I asked quickly getting up and going to her side of the bed- the sheets and her clothes were all wet. "Benjamin my water- I think it broke." She said breathing heavily.

"Ok ok, you'll be fine. Let's go in the car and I'll take ya to the hospital." I said as I guided her to the car.
"ahhh babe- CONTRACTION WHEW. Please hurry." Harper kept yelling as I was doing about 80 and carefully running every stoplight/stop sign.

We finally made it to the parking lot and I just sucked it up and carried my wife inside the emergency room.
"Someone help, my wife's water broke just right now." I yelled and 2 nurses came rushing in with a wheelchair taking Harper away. But no, I followed them because I felt like doing so. "Ok here's your guys room" 1 of the nurses said laying Harper down in the bed, "contractions about 10 minutes apart I think." Harper said still outta breath, even I was.

"Ok mama your doing great, let me go get the dr. Don't push yet." The other nurse said running out the room,
"Benny I'm scared." Harper said holding my hand, "Hey love. Your ok, you have lots of help here." I said giving her a kiss on her hot, sweaty forehead.

"Hello mr and Mrs Rodriguez, I'm dr Johnson. Are you ready to deliver this girl or what?" The dr said coming in the doors with the other nurse returning, "ok let me just do a few tests to make sure you're ok to push this one out." He said doing a ton of different things. Harper was super worried and so was I, I wanted this to go smoothly as possible- especially since this is the first time.

"Ok push on 1...... 2....... 3" the dr said, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Harper screamed, "oh sweetie push down there. Not just your face, otherwise your doing great. Take a lil break." The nurse said and I kinda laughed, but Harper glared at me and I knew better than not to make her pissed right now.


I was freaking out, this was my first time ever pushing out a baby- or even being in this situation and it was very scary.
"Ok mama, again please." The doctor said and I just nodded and pushed. I looked at Benny and his face was in pain, I guess I squeezed his hand a lil too tight, "sorry benjamin." I said.

"Okay mama, please try 1 more time." The doctor said and I was honestly super tired at this point, "ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed, feeling a relief of finishing my job. I heard a baby screaming and crying, and then the next thing I knew everything went black.

Harper was such a strong mama and after 3 hard pushes, little evita finally came out. But something was off, we heard the baby crying, but a monitor made a beeping noise and I noticed that Harper's eyes were closed.

"Uhh doctor, the mama blacked out." One of the nurses said, and my mind was blanking.
"ok we need another nurse in here to deal with the dad." He said running around getting some more things for Harper.
"Wait what's happening?" I asked, "it's ok. Your wife will be fine, just come with me." A blonde nurse said pulling me out the room, "Harper? HARPER" I yelled as the dr out an oxygen mask on my wife's face.  

The blonde nurse led me to the spot where I could see my daughter, normally I would have been super stoked. But Harper was making me worry, "there she is. That ones yours." The nurse said pointing to a dark haired tiny baby yawning in the crib thing right in front of me.
"She was 5 pounds 8 ounces, a little on the smaller side but she should be good."

"Oh ok." Was all I could say. I just stared at my daughter until I couldn't see the details of her because tears were forming in my eyes, Harper had to pull through. I can't raise a daughter by myself, i barely know how to take care of myself. Yet to raise a daughter her whole life without a mom? I just sat down on the chair that was outside the place where the babies were, and I cried. Yes, Benny the jet Rodriguez cried, for awhile.

"Mr Rodriguez, your wife will be ok. She just lost a more than usual amount of blood, so they wanted to make sure she would survive." I heard the nurse say and I looked up, "Cmon. She's awake, same with your daughter." Nurse said walking to harpers room. There they were both, all right.

I woke up and heard the monitor beeping, "she's awake doc." One of the nurses said, my head was spinning.

"Where's Benny, What happened? Where my daughter?" I asked a nurse that was putting something in my i.v,

"Mrs Rodriguez, you lost a lot more blood than usual after the baby came out, and that caused you to black out. Your daughter is perfectly fine, weighing 5 pounds and 8 ounces, she sure is a tiny one." The nurse continued, and then handed my my daughter, tiny. She was hella tiny. "Ok your arm right here, should support her head." The nurse was showing me how to properly support the baby.

"Would you like your husband to come in?" The doctor asked, "oh yes please." I said with a sweaty smile, yes it was super hot in the room. Benny had tear streaked al down his cheeks and he looked miserable, "babe your alive." He said giving me a kiss, "yeah that's me." I smiled back, "here's evita Kate." I said just as little evita yawned, and Benny laughed. "She has your nose." He said, "wow thanks." I replied with sarcasm

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