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The next morning, I decided to do something that Benny would love.
I was going to try and get all the old sandlot boys reunited in our house for dinner tomorrow night, after game day.
So I founded all the boys contact and call them each well except for Bertram, he kinda fell off the edge after the 60s so we aren't sure where or what he's doing.

I called Squints first because I knew he still lived in salt lake.
"Michael palledorous speaking." The man answered the phone, I sure hope this is him.

"Hey Squints, it's me harper." I said.

"Wait like the famous Harper Rodriguez?" I could her his sarcasm, same old loving Squints.
"Yes it's me, how are you?" I asked. "Well Wendy and I are great- oh I forgot to tell you, Wendy and I did get married."
"How did that happen?" I joked.

For the next 20 minutes or so, Squints explained to me how him and Wendy got married and how they have 3 kids already. And 1 was in her stomach right now, crazy right? Then he asked me more about Benny and our jobs, we basically spent an hour catching up on a small piece of our lives that we didn't tell each other.

"Oh I forgot why I called, I wanted to get some of the sandlot boys to come down and hang out with Benny and I tomorrow over dinner. You know since we haven't seen each other since senior year?" I said.

"yes Wendy and I would love to come. Ok well gotta do my dad job now, see ya tomorrow Adams." He said.

"Actually Squints, it's Rodriguez now." I said correcting him, "nope you will always be an adams." He said and hung up.

It was around 9 when I got off the phone with Squints.
Ok got 1 out of the 7 people, I need to pick up the pace.

I called yeah-yeah next, he said he could come. He was going to bring his wife and 3-year old son.
I know surprising yeah-yeah can actually take care of a kid?

Then I called ham. He was now a professional wrestler, 'the great hambino' so original right? he said it was ok, especially when I mentioned dinner. And he told me all about him model girlfriend, apparently they have been together for 4 years. I mean that woman is probably amazing, having to deal with ham for that long? Just kidding everyone love Hamilton porter.

Next was the Timmons boys, yes they still were close. But I thought Timmy got married and Tommy was dating a girl, anyways they both said yes. And they are pretty rich considering they founded strip malls, 1 of the biggest successes ever

I called Kenny after and he said yea. I used to see him a lot when Benny and him played triple a together, but Benny got bumped up and kenny just stayed in triple a. But I know he coaches his sons t-ball team, 'the heaters'

And i was planning on telling Scotty about our get together tomorrow at work, I was the closest with him since I have to see him almost everyday.

It was around 2pm when I finished calling all the boys, now just have to find a spot to eat.
I drove around downtown where Benny and I lived, there was some Mexican food places, Italian food, diners, and all sorts of things. But I thought a diner would be the best since it brings back old memories.

"Hello I'm having a get together and I was wondering if we could have it here?" I asked the lady by the menu podium thing. "Oh we would love to, how many people? And about what time dear?" She asked me, I had to think for awhile.

"I think we have 23 people, and it would be around dinner." I said, "ok well you want to host it here?" She asked motioning me to follow her, it was a big separated room. "Oh yes this would be perfect! Thank you so much." I said.

"Yes ma'am I just need your name." The lady said, "it's Harper Rodriguez" "your related to the mlb fella?" She asked writing down my name, "Yep he's my husband." I said.
"Ohhhh aren't you lucky? Well enjoy the rest of your day and see you tomorrow at dinner." "Thank you, you too" I said walking out the door, perfect now I just have to make Benny go to dinner with me tomorrow.

I got home around 2:45 and I made myself a sandwich because I was starving.
I watched tv for a bit because I was bored then I got a call from Paislee.

"Hello?" I said,
"Hey Harper. How ya been?" She asked me.

"I've been great, same with the baby in me." I said laughing.

"Well that's good. I just wanted to know how you were since I haven't talked to you in awhile."
"Aww thanks pais. How about you?" I asked, "Good I found a husband." She giggled.

"Paislee I know, you've been married for a year." I said laughing, "he's amazing, I just love him so much." She said.
The guy she married was very respectful, he was one of mrs Rodriguez's co workers son. I haven't met him well I guess at their wedding, but I never really talked to him. But Paislee loves him so he must be good.

Just then I heard Benny walk through the door, "oh ok I gotta go Benny's home. Love ya girl." I said, "bye Harper."
Benny gave me a kiss and I dodged it since he was all sweaty and dirty from practice, he frowned then held me in place so he could get his kiss. And we were both laughing.

"I missed you love, you feeling better today?" He said. "Yeah missed you too, wanna go to dinner with Scotty tomorrow?" I said, "sure. Ok I'm gonna go shower." He said walking away, he's gonna be super excited tomorrow.

-end of chapter-

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