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They took Harper to the hospital, I would have gone but I had to watch James. And I didn't want him to see his sister like this, "James what do you want to do?" I asked when he got home. Yeah I didn't tell him yet, he wouldn't understand. He shrugged, "where's Harper?" He asked. Great- explain a rape case to a 10 year old.

"Um well she's in the hospital right now, let just say the Phillips kid did something to her and she got hurt." I said, James nodded. "I don't like them, their brother is nice. Not the them 2 tho." He said, I nodded.
"When can we see sissy?" He asked, "you want to see her?" I said, "yeah." "Oh I guess we can now." I responded,
it's ok Charlotte. Just breathe.

We got to the hospital and saw Benny in the waiting room, he was crying.
"Hey Benjamin, what's goin on with her?" I asked trying not to cry.
"Oh um Hey Charlotte, I don't know. They won't let anyone see her right now." Benny said, James went and sat next to him. I nodded and went up to the front desk lady, "ma'am when can I see Harper Rodriguez?" I asked nicely.

"Oh we are asking her some questions right now, after that you should be able too." She said, "thanks."
I sat back down by the boys and waited.


I got into a hospital room to see if anything got hurt, all clear. Well my shin had another small fracture but it just needed to be taped up. But not as bad as the pain inside me, i could have stopped this. This wouldn't have happened.

"Ok who was this?" This lady asked with a pencil and notebook, "Lucas Phillips." I said kinda annoyed by all these questions. "Ok andddd what time?" She asked, "oh I don't know. I didn't check my phone right before he forced me to have sex with him?" I yelled kinda stating the obvious, "I'm sorry but it's my job to ask these questions." The lady said, great now I felt bad. "No I'm sorry. Continue your questions." I apologized, more freaking questions.

"Ok again I'm sorry this happened, is that your sister waiting out there?" She asked pointing towards Cher sitting the the waiting room, "yeah that's Charlotte." I said. "I am going to have a few words with her so I will see you in a minute." The lady said closing the door and walking out. Well this is boring. I thought to myself.

James and Benny came in my room, "y'all aren't supposed to be here." I said, they just shrugged.
"How are you?" Benny asked, "I'm amazing thanks. I just want to be home." I said, "I don't like Lucas." James said, I kinda laughed. "Yeah me too little buddy." I said, James went for a hug- but Benny pulled him back. I just smiled because Benny knew I wasn't gonna let anyone, anyone, touch/hug me for awhile.

Benny explained to James why I didn't want hugs as comfort, and he understood.
We all talked about random things and it felt good to not think about what just happened.

But then that dumb lady had to come in and ruin it, "boys you have to leave now. You can't see her since you are a male right now." She said, I rolled my eyes. "Ma'am it's my brother and boyfriend- they aren't gonna do anything." I said,
"You don't know that ms Adams. This other guy was just a friend." She snapped back, "no an enemy." I glared.

"Ok well we can keep you for the night, or if you aren't comfortable- you could go home now." The lady said,
"I'll go now. There's nothing to worry about for me." I said getting up from the bed, my shin had blue athletic tape on it in a weird cross way. But it was ok to put pressure, just a big bruise.

"Harper you sure you'll be fine by yourself?" Cher asked me before I laid in bed, "yeah I'll be good. Love you." I said and she shut the door. I looked around my room, there was a hole in my wall. Weird, I sighed and then closed my eyes.

"Lucas no." "Get off me." "This won't hurt for too long" "stop" "Cher?" "Lucas."
Then he forcefully laid me on the bed- "stop this isn't happening." I thought, "Lucas get off."

I woke up in a puddle of sweat, 2 am.
I shot up wondering what was happening, then it was just flashbacks.
I sighed then tried to go back to sleep.

"Ma'am what happened?" "Harper?" "Harper it's me Benny, you will be ok." "Who was this?"
"Ms Adams you have to talk." "It was Lucas." "He did what?" Benny yelled and punched a hole in my wall.
He gave me a hug and I ignored it.
*end of flashback*

"Harper you ok?" I heard someone say. "Harper?" Someone shook me.
I shot up with sweat everywhere, oh just cher.

"Harper you ok?" She asked me, "just some flashbacks that's all." I said still shaken up.
"It's ok. He can't get you anymore, I'll sleep with you." Cher said laying down next to me, I nodded.

Let's try sleeping again.
I closed my eyes.

-end of chapter-

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