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About 3 laters into the future

"Mommy!" Little 2 year old evita said running into my arms as Benny and I got home.
"Heyyy evvie." I said picking her up and she gave me a kiss, "I missed you." I said putting her back down, then little angel came wobbling towards me. Yep Benny and I had another kid- a little boy, he was adorable because he looked just like his father. Same with evita, she just had my blond hair from when I was younger.

"Mama" angel babbled, "I missed you too." I said picking him up carefully, not wanting my stomach to hurt anymore. Oh I forgot to mention, Benny and I are already on our 3rd kid! We always wanted a big, but not too big, family. This one was about 4 months along the way- I think it's another boy, but Benny thinks it's a girl.

"Hello love." Benny said walking in from the kitchen and giving me a kiss, "Did you have fun?" He asked,
"yeah. It was very tiring though." I said laying down on the couch.
Camille, Avery, Jess, and I went to the beach for a day and hung out with Cher, you know my sister that moved away and I hardly ever see? Ye her, but we all had lots of fun catching up with her- and the weather felt amazing. Then Jess and I on the way back, stopped at mrs Rodriguez's home because we hadn't seen her in awhile and we had a separate car from the smalls.

"Oh my gosh girls! I was just thinking of a day to come visit you all, oh Harper?" Laura said when she greeted us at the front door with hugs, "Hey Laura. Yeah we just announced it a few days ago." I said looking at my tiny- but not tiny, stomach. We both visited her for about an hour then decided to head back, "make sure Benny takes care of you!" Laura yelled as Jess and I drove off, "whew. I love her." Jess said and I laughed in agreement.

"Oh man, my ma is going crazy. At least she enjoyed the company. Sorry I couldn't go with ya, I haven't gotten to see her in awhile." Benny said listening to my very eventful day. "Yeah I think she misses you, phone calls aren't the same." I said giving Benny anther kiss then going upstairs for bed. "Night angel, night evvie." I said kissing both them goodnight at 9 o'clock, yes mom life means bed at 9- deal with it. That's what 2 kids and 1 on the way brings me.

2 years later

The news was heartbreaking, "mr and Mrs Rodriguez I am truly sorry for this sad news. I wish you both and your family the best while you, mrs Rodriguez, have to go under surgery for the baby to be removed." The doctor said standing beside the ultrasound tech. I started crying, on the other-hand Benny. He was just quiet, but I could hear little sniffles coming from him. "Thank you doctor" I managed to get out, man this news is the worst. Not worse than mom's news, but definitely top 3.

"That's it I guess, just 3 kids. Benny I'm sorry, I know you wanted more and how I can't-" I rambled on the car ride home, "hey no. Love it doesn't matter about me, it just isn't meant for us to have any more. 3 is ok with me." Benny aid focusing on the road, "oh ok. Thanks for understanding Benny." I said still crying.

"hey love it's fine. Please stop crying, seeing you sad makes me sad." He said once we pulled into our house driveway, yep we moved into a bigger house still in la, just a 4 bedroom 3 bath house. The kids were already asleep and we thanked our lovely neighbor Jess for watching them. "Goodnight Benny, I love you." I said and Benny kissed me goodnight.

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