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-• once upon a time •-

Once upon a time, lived a handsome prince, trapped in the royal chambers made of gold, staring at the world from the heights of his palace towers. He always wished to see the world up close, with his feet firmly planted on the ground. But the Queen's benevolence went only as far as allowing her son to look out of the window every morning. Years passed, yet no one ever rescued the prince. Then came a commoner, Red, her name was. Beautiful as she was on the outside, her soul reflected the same. The gardener's girl, assigned with the task of taking care of the garden in the absence of her sick father, was young and naive.

As she plucked out the best flowers for Her Highness' chamber, the glaring sun often hindered her sight. Annoyed at the magnanimous fiery beast, she looked up, instead finding the handsome prince leaning on the wall of his window. Starstruck, Red could not tear her eyes off the gentle looking young man, for he exuded great beauty and charm. Thoughtless to her social status, she raised her arm and waved at him wildly. The Prince noticed, frowning at the lowly girl having the audacity to wave at him. He firmly shut his windows close, disappearing inside his golden cage.

Dismayed, Red huffed, shrugging as she went back to pick out the flowers for her Royal Highness.

The next day, Red, aggravated at the sun, wore a hat. But the maid's son tricked her into crouching to his height and thieved it off her head. Disgruntled, Red chose the flowers under the glares of the golden blob shining in the sky. Countless glances stolen at the window of the Prince's chambers, she failed to grab a glimpse of his beauty. Unaware, the prince was actually sneaking peeks at her, infatuated with the only human interaction he has ever had in years. He noticed the frown on her face and the fiery looks she threw the sun's way.

Red, losing the enthusiasm after not seeing the Prince after her first day in the castle, unhappily plucked out the flowers and tossed them in the basket. She could not wait for the summer to end and the heat waves to finally chase the other end of the world. Huffing out a breath, she flicked off the beads of sweat on her forehead, lowering her head to avoid the glaring sun when suddenly a shadow shielded her face.

Confused, Red lifted her head, the lost sparkle in her eyes returning at the sight of the Prince at the window, holding a......... foldable fan? Red stepped to the left, to test the loyalty of the fan and smiled when the Prince leaned in more, extending the fan to protect her from the glaring sunlight. Red stepped to the right, grinning when the fan retracted. She raised both of her hands waved. The Prince laughed and Red realised why. She dropped the basket!

Oh no.

Slapping her forehead at her stupidity, Red knelt on the ground, tossing the handpicked flowers back into the basket. When she stood up, the Prince was still looking down at her. Blushing profusely, Red lifted her skirt and bowed, rushing out of the garden as fast as her little feet allowed.

Following morning, the Prince awaited Red at his window, and when she appeared, her basket in her hands, her eyes searching for him at the heights, she found him leaning against the sill. She waved her hand, giggling when he waved back.

So the love unfolded, a love that was frowned upon, a love forbidden and twisted, between the Prince and his commoner.

Rumours spread in the palace grounds.

A prince and a commoner? Blasphemous!

The Prince is in love with the lowly gardener? Preposterous!

Like smoke, it sneaked into each and every corner of the palace. Inevitably, the Queen found out. Everyone awaited with a bated breath.

What would happen of the commoner now?

Rags To Royals (Royal #1: Book 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now