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-• unwelcomed •-

Everything here feels dramatic. Even walking down these stairs. I've always watched period shows and movies with great interest but honestly, living in one as your reality sounds terrifying. It feels like I've to watch my every step. The maids whisper among themselves upon seeing me, guards give me second glance, caretakers look at me with scrutiny.

"This way," the maid motions.

I nod, following her lead. She takes me through different hallways, we pass multiple foyers, several corridors and tens of doors. If I were to figure out this alone, I would have one hundred percent got lost. Because honestly, this place needs its own Google map.

Take a left after hundred meters.

Yeah, that will probably help.

"You can enter," she stops in front of a huge set of double doors. They remind me of the library ones. However fun and grand they look on television, trust me you'll be sweating bullets when you have to push them open. All the PE lectures that I skipped are coming back to bite me in the ass.

"Allow me, Princess Taranya," a man dressed in all black walks up to me. I step aside, allowing him the space. He scans his card and grips the thick bars. With a little bit of force, the doors open with a grunt.

I stand at the threshold, my eyes wide in surprise when I find myself perpendicular to the twelve seater royal dining table, in the sight of six men that stare at me openly.

I swallow.

"Tara!" Dad is the first one to break the prevailing silence, his cheerful voice loosening the tension in the room. I force a smile at my father, walking inside and meeting him halfway before he guides me to my chair. "Everyone, meet Taranya. Your sister!"

Oh wow, that was pretty straightforward.

I hear someone scoff and lift my gaze. One head was down, his spoon and fork singing again as he cuts a piece of the mushroom and shoves it in his mouth, chewing it quietly.


I frown.

Is he still pissed off about the library thing?

Then again, I would be too. Poor guy hurt his elbow and hip in trying to save me. Who would want a nuisance in place of a lost and found new sister?

"Arush," Yuvraaj speaks sternly.


My eyes flit across the dining table, locating Ayush almost immediately three seats away from his brother. He acknowledges me with a nod. I feel relieved. Thank God, it's not him giving me a cold shoulder.

"What?" The other twin, Arush lifts his head nonchalantly. I look at him carefully, trying to pick a difference between both the brothers. Except for a faded scar under his left eye, there's nothing significant that sets him apart from his twin brother.

"Greet your sister properly," Yuvraaj commands.

Arush slams his spoon on the table. "That girl is not my sister!" He roars angrily.

I lower my head to the ground. The words sting a little. Not that I expected everyone to welcome me with open arms but an open disdain is uncalled for.

"Get out." Yuvraaj orders.

My eyes go wide in surprise.

"Bhai," Vivaan speaks up. "Let it go. He'll come around."

Yuvraaj shuts him up with a glare before looking back at Arush. "Didn't you hear me? Either you greet her properly or get out."

Arush pushes his plate away as a sign of rebuff and gets up. The chair screeches because of the impact. He throws me a hateful look and turns to leave.

Rags To Royals (Royal #1: Book 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now