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-• an unexpected punishment •-

A tense silence fills the room, the clinking of spoons and forks ceases. Honestly, does any dinner in this household ever goes peacefully? The only meal time when everyone comes together feels less like a bonding time and more like a trial of the court where the judge and the lawyer, both are Yuvraaj. While we? Either the accused or the spectators. No in between. All the damn time. For the last two dinners, Arush and Agastya stood in the dock, and tonight it's me.

"In the email, Mrs. Dodiya wrote that an unpleasant argument disrupted her peaceful class environment. She also said, the manner in which it was led, was loud, rude and uncouth." His fingers interlace through the gaps, resting just below his chin as he eyes all of us with a poker face. "If I may ask, will the two healthy debaters please get up?" He questions sarcastically.

I lay my spoon on the plate and stand up from my chair.

Dad looks at me in bewilderment, as if he can't believe I'm capable of arguing with someone.

I mean, c'mon, Dad, Mom was loud. Of course, I have it in my genes.

My eyes move to Agastya, not believing his audacity to stay seated through this.

"I'm confident Taranya has enough understanding of how a communication works. Surely she did not argue with herself, did she now, Agastya?" Yuvraaj snaps.

Agastya sighs and slaps his hand on the table as he gets up from his chair.

I try to hide my smirk.

Ha, take that jerk!

"Now," Yuvraaj leans back on his chair. "Could the stars of the show please come out?" He requests, but his eyes command. I leave my seat and step out, pushing the chair to its initial position. Agastya does the same. "Princess, go and stand there, five steps behind Vivaan's chair," he instructs me.

What's he trying to do?

I obey nonetheless.

"Agastya, come closer. Stand beside her."

The good for nothing comes over and stands beside me.

"Dad, what do you think is the height difference?" Yuvraaj asks nonchalantly.

"Hmm, about ten inches," Dad answers.

"Sounds about right," Yuvraaj hums. "So, Princess, tell me one of your favourite activities."

"Huh?" I frown.

"Something you'd prefer to do when you want to spend some time alone." He explains.

"Oh, uhm, baking, I guess?" I shrug.

"Alright," he nods. "And you, Agastya?"

"Running," Agastya answers gruffly.

"It's decided then, daily from tomorrow and until the day of the event, you both will pick out a time from your schedule to do these activities together, with your arms linked." He declares and resumes dinner, motioning with his hand at everyone else to do the same.

While Agastya and I? We both stand dumbfounded. But more than that, horrified and disgusted. I look up at him and he looks down at me, our faces scrunch together in detest and we both shout a synchronised No.

Everyone flinches.

"What's wrong? Did not like the idea? I think it's perfect for both of you to get used to walking with your arms linked." He shrugs.

"But we won't even be walking with our arms linked! Vivaan Bhai will! This morning it was just for the sake of practice!" Agastya screeches.

I step aside. That tone almost electrocuted my soul.

Rags To Royals (Royal #1: Book 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now