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a celebration treat because we finished RTR on Scrollstack with 2,46,000 word count. An achievement indeed.

The next will be on Christmas. So don't expect any before that.

-• an invitation •-

"So, how was your first day at school?" Dad inquires curiously during dinner.

"Good." I answer shortly.

"Nothing interesting happened?" Vivaan leans in, looking at me with intrigue.

"He says he's happy to meet you in a more friendly setting."

A smile slips on my lips before I can stop it. When I realise the attention it brings me, I quickly stop smiling and shift my focus to my food.

"What is it?" Yuvaan piques up with interest.

"Nothing," I shake my head.

"You smiled when Vivaan asked if something interesting happened," Dad points out.

I sigh through my mouth. I swear I've got the nosiest family in the world. Can't they just let go when I'm clearly not comfortable enough to share the details with them? Especially when none of them have no intention to give me romantic liberation in my personal life.

My fleeting crush on my senior is better left as a secret. With time it'll fade anyway. I had feelings for Sam so strong I seriously thought I'll be heartbroken after that kiss, but nothing of that sort happened. Maybe I'm just prone to handsome guys. I can't resist them.

"This better not be about Atharva," Agastya grits out, successfully erasing the fond smiles on everyone's faces.

"Atharva?" Vivaan frowns at me.

I avoid meeting his eyes.

"Who's this Atharva?" Yuvaan demands, the hostility in his tone seeping through his words.

I clench the fork in my hand, shooting daggers at Agastya who holds my glare strongly. I scoff and look away from him, swallowing automatically when my eyes clash with the icy cold onyx ones.

"It's not him!" I lie quickly. "I'm happy because I made a new friend!"



"Isn't that Atharva's sister?" Arush perks up.

I breathe out in frustration but maintain my cool. "Is she? I didn't know."

"Really?" Agastya tilts his head to the side pointedly.

"Yes, really." I stress out the words. "Ayush had to be at the chess club for his competition and Arush here did everything but help me on my first day at the school. Anagha helped with the directions to the teacher staffroom." That was enough for the remaining five brothers to look at Arush in disappointment. I relax back smugly.

Take that.

"I- Uh, I had my essay -"

"Didn't I tell you not to leave her alone?" Agastya narrows his eyes in slits.

"Well, she's not a kid that I need to babysit her!" He throws his hands in the air helplessly.

"See! This was his attitude throughout the day. So I took help from the first person who willingly offered it to me. Anagha showed me to the staffroom and then even waited for me outside patiently. I like her. I want to be friends with her. I already miss Janet so much. Do I've to check if someone has a brother or a boyfriend before making friends with them, Dad?" I look at my father feigning a pitiful look.

Rags To Royals (Royal #1: Book 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now