Chapter 1: Strange encounter

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"I don't think I can do this anymore, we've become so distant" Midoriya said as he felt the sting of tears in his eyes, he took a deep breath and said "Todoroki, I think we should break up...i-it's not that I that don't like you it's just we're not connected like we used to be." Todoroki was taken aback by this statement and looked at Midoriya in the eyes with anger and sadness and said "No,your the one who's being distant not me,we barely have time together because you always got some shit to do, I'm not the one who's feeling disconnected you are. You say all this like it's both our fault but in reality,this is all your fault," the more Todoroki talked the angered he felt and the more Midoriya wanted to cry, he tried not to though knowing Todoroki did not want to comfort him at that moment. Midoriya didn't have the heart to look at him in the eyes so with that Todoroki walked away, Midoriya started walking the opposite direction, feeling the tears fall out of his eyes he began running home, went to his room and cried his eyes out for the rest of the night.

*End of flashback"

Midoriya's POV

It's been about a month now since me and Todoroki broke up,we act normal around  our friends and in class but when it's just the two of us the tension gets so thick you could cut it with a knife. We aren't as good of friends like before but we still manage to hang out although part of me wishes I didn't distance myself from him cause now I really miss him, his scent, his taste, his touch and the way he says my name after every kiss. Another part though,still held on to a certain childhood crush and that might be the reason why I distanced myself from Todoroki, 'do I still have crush on Kacchan?I mean it's possible I guess I'll have to look into it when I get to school since I'm not so sure myself maybe I can*Oof*'
"Umm.. sorry si- Kacchan?" That's weird his train comes earlyer than mine,so what is he doing here? "Dammit you idiot watch where your going,"Kacchan didn't look angry though,he looks very calm actually and  I'm  standing in front of him. I build up the courage to ask him a question "umm,if you don't mind me asking-" "I mind" he said without hesitation, it's like he was waiting for me to ask the question I didn't even finish. I look at him with disappointment and I guess he noticed that and soon after he sighed and said "I woke up late and missed my train so I was hoping I could catch the next one,happy?" To be honest, I really was cause of two important reasons:
1. That was the first time Kacchan ever reluctantly told me something without screaming it in my face.
2. He took my feelings into consideration when he saw I was kinda disappointed.
Kacchan was only ever this nice to me when we were kids,before now it's kinda been anger and hatred with him.

Bakugou's POV

I noticed his eyes not straying from me as we got onto the train,I tried to not be bothered by it but I got pissed off really quick and gave him a look that said ' stop staring or else I'll kill you,' he quickly looks away "sorry" he mutters and subconsciously I say "it's fine" the moment I said that he looked up and asked "what?" I look away immediately, cheeks dusted pink and yell at him " NOTHING YOU BASTARD MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" He flinched but didn't take those curious green eyes away from me,the only time I ever saw those eyes was in Middle School,  when I saw them everything changed from that day on. I never thought that bastard was bold enough to do something as stupid as that and still be alive,but I kinda wish I did something when he did that though.

Third POV

Somehow Midoriya's usually short train ride to school was agonizingly long, with akward silence and and even more akward small talk that went nowhere. Midoriya stopped making small talk with Bakugou, thinking it may be the reason for time moving slowly ' I feel like the universe is mocking me right now, trying to get over a bad break up, standing next to the guy who may or may not have caused the break up and on top of all that we've only been here for 5 minutes, just great' ( I wasn't kidding when I said time was moving slowly). With only ten minutes before their stop, Bakugou got lost in deep thought and Midoriya pulled out his phone to text Uraraka.

Today 7:15


Ura : Hey Deku! What's up?🤨

Deku: KACCHAN! That's what's up!

Ura: u ok

Deku: Noooo, he's here, with me, on the train.

Ura: So that explains why he isn't here yet, I thought he decided to skip school or something.

Deku: He missed his usual train so I bumped into him as he waited for the one I usually take.

Deku: Now we're just standing near each other in akward silence

Ura: Better a train than an elevator, those are the most akward places in the world!

Ura: When your in an elevator with your crush, then the pressure's really on

Ura: I remember when Tsuyu and I got stuck in an elevator that one time in the mall,the silence was painful! My face turns pink just thinking about it

Deku: Oh yeah, I forgot you have a crush on Asui how's that going?

Ura: TERRIBLE! I can only talk to her as a friend and never anything more, the only time we do talk about relationships it's always about other peoples relationships.

Deku: Damn! That sucks, gotta go gonna reach my stop soon ttyl

As the train came to a halt, Midoriya looked at Bakugou waiting for him to get out but he didn't move ' he's so deep in thought, I've never seen him so focused' Midoriya lightly tugs Bakugou's shirt and softly called him "Kacchan?" upon hearing his name he snapped out of his thoughts and looked angryly at Midoriya "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU DAMN NERD!?" he yelled at his face " I ... Umm... we've reached out stop so... we uh ... gotta get out now" Bakugou sighed heavily " Whatever, let's go nerd" Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's wrist and dragged him out of the train running straight to U.A High "Wait slow down, why are we running? It's not like we're late or anything," Midoriya said trying to keep up with Bakugou who's still holding onto his wrist
' I just want an excuse to hold your hand'
" I just want to get to school as early as I can"
' Can you hold my hand properly at least?'
" Loose your grip it's hurting my wrist"
'Cant I hold you forever?'
" I can let go altogether"
' please don't'
" That's great"
" Fine!"
" Fine!"

Midoriya pouted the entire way to school after Bakugou let go of his wrist, Bakugou only noticed when they got into the schools gate and started walking." What's got you all puffy?" Bakugou asked in which Midoriya childishly replied" nothing, nothing at all," as they neared their class Midoriya looked at Bakugou and asked" hey uhh,while we were on the train what-" he was cut off when Bakugou spat out "that's non of your damn business nerd" they both entered into class and sat in their seats waiting for Mr.Aizawa.


A/N: This is the end of the first chapter,I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'm not really expecting any good comments cause this book might be boring to other people so I hope to get some constructive criticism to help me improve on my writing. Mean comments don't count as constructive criticism btw.

Word count: 1467 words

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