Chapter 2: Bakugou's thoughts

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Bakugou's POV

Something changed since that day, "Some one I look up to said that I can be a hero!", It wasn't what you said that changed me, it's what you did...

Midoriya grabs Bakugou 's wrist tightly, shocked Bakugou slightly loosens his grip on the boys collar which gives him the opportunity to escape from the blonds clutches and pull him in for a hot kiss. Bakugou was shocked, so shocked that he couldn't move so he just stood there, paralysed, dumbfounded and a little impressed. As Midoriya pulled away he looked at Bakugou dead in the eyes with sheer curiosity and a burning question...

"BAKUGOU! Would you like to tell the class what's got your full attention?", the flustered blonde looked away and muttered" it's nothing sensei" " good now pay attention,as I was saying–" Mr Aizawa kept talking, 'Dammit Katsuki focus'

Third POV

(~Time skip: end of the day~)

It was hard to focus the entire day, Bakugou got a few notes in cause he wasn't completely distracted "Hey Bakubro ya good? Ya kinda seemed out of it the whole day," Kirishima asked with some concern " just having a fucked up day what's it to you" the red head just gave him a big grin and said really loudly " is it better because you got here with Midor-" Bakugou quickly covered Kirishima's mouth with one hand and lit up an explosion with the other "Deku has nothing to do with anything so mind your damn business loser" Kirishima removed Bakugou's hand from his mouth"let's not forget you hung out with this 'loser' last week and you will again 'cause the guys and I are headed to the arcade and your coming with! " Bakugou just sighed and rolled his crimson eyes. The angry blond followed his red haired friend out of the class to meet with Sero and Kaminari and head to the arcade.

When the boys reached the arcade they played laser tag for about half an hour and Bakugou absolutely dominated.

" I don't wanna play anymore, your cheating!" Kaminari complained as they finished their 5th round

" Don't blame me if you suck at a children's game," Bakugou said as they headed to the snack bar.

" Don't worry man, you'll win soon" Kirishima said ruffling the other blonde hair and resumed to go down until his hand cupped Kaminari's cheek, Kirishima leaned in for a kiss when "EWW, GET A ROOM LOSERS!" Bakugou yelled making Kirishima blush, Kaminari just stuck his tongue out at him " how childish can you be?" Bakugou asked as he rolled his eyes.

They went to their usual chill zone and started a... rather questionable conversation, " WAIT REALLY?!?!" Sero scram almost choking on his chips "yeah, I think it would be kinda hot if Kirishima dressed up and looked like a little kitsune, maybe wear his hair down get some glasses you know,the usual" " that is not usual" Bakugou chuckled slowly shaking his head.

" Personally, I wouldn't mind having Kami here be a little puppy" Kirishima said slightly blushing.

" Are you guys furries or some shit, why are y'all mentioning animal costumes? " Sero asked with genuine confusion " I would kill to see a baddie in a maid outfit" Bakugou rolled his eyes at the statement " dude that's like the white bread of sexy outfits, your so basic" Sero was offended by what his blond friend said " well as if you could do better" Kaminari turned to Bakugou with a raised eyebrow " yeah, tbh we've had this conversation so many times (for some reason 🙄) but you've never said anything about what you what you find kinky" Bakugou pondered on this and finally said "I don't have a crush on anyone so I can't imagine anyone in any hot outfits" " Bullshit!" Kaminari yelled out " yeah man don't you have a crush on Midoriya or something?" Sero asked, Bakugou blushed looking away and yelled " SHUT UP ASSHOLES! So what if I do? I'm not a weirdo who imagines people in costumes before fucking Halloween!" Kirishima looked at the flustered blond and asked " but haven't you had that thought at least once?" Bakugou sighed and began " Well, it wouldn't be so bad if Deku were to look like some sort of punk rock goth," they all just stared at him with the biggest smiles on their faces

" AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" They all screamed in unison causing some people to give them confused glances.

" OHMYFUCKIN' GOD! BAKUGOU, WHY HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS?!" Sero asked wide eyed and laughing.

" That's cause I never mentioned it you idiot"

" Why am I not surprised?" Kaminari said with a skeptical look.

" It's because if Bakugou's character, punk rock I'd expect but never goth"

" IDK maybe I like the 'big-titty-goth-gf' vibe"

" More like'big-dick-goth-bf'"

The boys all laughed at Kaminari's comment but it was true ' maybe I just like eyeliner,or the dark clothes or maybe the many unspeakable things I  could do to Deku if he had on a choker ' Bakugou didn't dare to voice his thoughts especially not the last part, instead he continued with whatever conversation the others had started.


Me, Todoroki and Iida all went to Uraraka's house to hang out,we kinda have to hang out in the living room cause her dad doesn't trust us in her room can't blame him. Her dad does take a likings to Iida though but he doesn't like Todoroki and I even though she's told him countless times she's into girls "I'm surprised Bakugou didn't try to kill you on the way to school," Uraraka teased " Uraraka's right, he seemed less hostile than usual," Iida said " are we still talking about the same Bakugou who tells people to die and go to hell?" Todoroki chuckled and we all laughed.

" Not to be rude or anything but," Uraraka hesitated "why'd y'all break up? you look so good together it doesn't make sense" Iida looked at her l with a stern expression " I don't think it's our place to-" I cut Iida off in the middle of his sentence "no,no it's fine I guess we just kinda grew apart that's all," as I said that Todoroki got irritated and I instantly changed my answer "b-but uhh i-it was mostly my fault, I was a bit of a crappy boyfriend" his irritated expression didn't change though which caused the usually unnoticeable tension between us to build and I knew everyone noticed it because the room fell silent."I-i  uhh... gotta go to the bathroom!" I hurried straight to the bathroom and locked the door 'SHIT! SHIT!SHIT!get it together Midoriya, just calm down!' but I couldn't 'cause my heart was racing,I was breathing frantically and I didn't know what to do, the memory of our break up kept replaying in my head multiple times 'you say all this like it's both our fault, when in reality it's all your fault!' I was having a panic attack! I quickly unlocked the door so someone could reach me if things got bad. I tried to calm myself down but I inevitably fainted, with the tears I held back strolling down my face.

Word count: 1208 words

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