Chapter 8: the way I feel

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Bakugou's POV

My feelings for Deku have changed a bit since the party/get-together, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him more than I use to even though he doesn't look like a super hot goth boy. The way I feel about Icy-hot has also change too, I hate him a lot more than I use to and I think the feeling's mutual 'cause every interaction I had with him we would just randomly argue about meaningless stuff, but I think we were subconsciously fighting over Deku. It was like that the entire day.

"Hey, Bakugou," Kirishima calls "what do you want loser?" I ask him.

"Hurry up and get your stuff, I wanna get to the arcade and play the new DDR game!" he says practically jumping.

I sigh "Yeah, sure let's go"

We're about to leave the class when I here "Kacchan?" Deku calls me, I almost blush but I hold it in and turn to look at him "what do you want?" I say in my usual angry tone, he hands me a small duffle bag "here's your stuff, thanks for letting me borrow it" he says in a small voice,I smile and pat him on the head "your welcome" I look deep into his eyes while my hand rests on his dark green hair, then to my annoyance someone grabs my wrist and removes my hand from his head I turn to see who is and it's none other than Icy-hot, that jealous bastard. He shoots me a glare, I shoot one back "sorry Bakugou but Midoriya and I have somewhere to be, I'm guessing you've got plans of your own" he says pointing at Kirishima " tch... whatever" I shove my hands into my pockets and head for the arcade with Shitty-hair, Soy-sauce and Dunce Face. "Did you see Todoroki and Midoriya today?" Shitty-hair asks " yeah, Asui says that there's a possibility of them getting back together" it felt like a bullet shot through my heart when he said that " I doubt it," Dunce Face says "him and Bakugou were sorta vibing throughout the entire party" " get-together" Kirishima corrects him " same thing" he says.

When we got to the arcade, I was so not feeling it " Bakubro, your not playing any games?" Kirishima asks "yeah, so what?!" I say " is it because of Todoroki-" " ITS NOT ABOUT DEKU AND ICY-HOT GETTING BACK TOGETHER! " I cut him off " I was gonna ask if it was about Todoroki ruining your little moment with Midoriya,but I guess I was wrong" he says " yeah, he didn't seem to appreciate you patting Midoriya on the head, " Kaminari elaborates " you've gotta ask him out before Todoroki beats you to it, again" he advises," tch," is all I say ' I won't lose to that half n half bastard again and I won't make the same mistake twice,"


As school ends everyone hurries out to get home, instead of heading out too I walk over to Deku who finishes gathering his stuff and gets up from his seat "oi, nerd!" I yell, surprisingly he doesn't flinch "oh hey Kacchan, need something?" he asks "actually yeah," I reply " Raccoon eyes said that you and Icy-hot are a thing now, is it true?" he stares at me confused " yeah, so what?" I get a bit angry by that comment "you're not as scared as you used to be, that pisses me off"

"Maybe I'm too happy to be scared," he says happily

" So did you tell your little boyfriend that you kissed me in middle school?"

" Umm no, not yet" he says timidly

"I can tell you're lying" I state

"I'm leaving," he says a bit angryly

I grab his wrist as he tries to walk past me "don't stand up to me now" I say in a husky voice leaning in closer " I want payback for middle school," I kiss him before he has a chance to say anything, his body tenses up then I feel a palm sting my face, I turn back to see an angry Deku 'he fuckin'slapped me'

'shit, I really fucked up didn't i ' I think to myself

*End of flashback*

"BAKUGOU!" Soy sauce screams right into my fucking ear "what!" I yell at him a bit irritated

"Yo, you good bro? Ya kinda spaced out there" Shitty says

" Yeah, just thinking about something," I reply nonchalantly

" You mean someone~" Dunce Face says with a stupid grin on his face

" Shut up Dunce Face, or I'll blast you into next week!" I threaten.

" Come on guys! I've been waiting all day to play the DDR game " Kirishima whined " it's the only reason I'm here right now." We all head over to the Dance Dance Revolution game Shitty-hair was so eager to play, and took turns playing.

"Of course Bakugou has the highest score!" Kaminari whined

" This is laser tag all over again" Sero commented, shaking his head

" One day man, one day" Kirishima reassures, patting human the back

" Will that day be after Bakugou's funeral cause it will be over his dead body!" The blond complained

" Yeah, what he said" I say proudly

After playing DDR and other games, we head home to face the the mountain load of homework assigned to us ' well this sucks' I think to myself before getting started

A/N: this is the shortest chapter I've ever written, it's not a very short chapter it's just the shortest chapter in this book. Wow 😶

Word count:956 words

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