Chapter 7: date or hangout?

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Third POV

When Midoriya tried on Bakugou's spare pyjamas, they were.....big, to say the least, even though he was only a few inches shorter than the blond his clothes were an entirely different story,the shirt was so big it almost went over his knees and he had to tighten the ripe thing on the waist band so the pants won't fall " how does he wear this?" Midoriya asked himself after making sure his pants are secure then walked into the living room where the sleeping bags were placed "nice outfit Midoriya," Kaminari snickered " thanks," Midoriya replied sarcastically "Okay the hight difference between me and Kacchan isn't that big, why the heck does it look like I'm wearing a dress under really big pants," he complains " if you don't like it then you can borrow Shitty-hair's clothes" Bakugou retorts " it's not that I don't like it,the problem is that it's too big how do you even wear this?" Midoriya asked, Bakugou walked up to Midoriya and adjusted the T-shirt and some how made it look more like a T-shirt than a dress. "How the-" Midoriya said confused "that's how I wear this," Bakugou said and walked to his sleeping bag, the boys went to sleep afterwards cause they were tired from the party.

The next morning Midoriya woke up, took a shower, brushed his teeth and changed into Bakugou's spare clothes he texted his mom to see when she'd be picking him up which was gonna be somewhere at noon, then he got a text from Todoroki.

Today 10:07

Todoroki: hey Midoriya, could the two of us meet up together after school on Monday?

Midoriya: sure. Wait like a date or as friends

Todoroki: we broke up, remember? But it could be whatever you want

Midoriya: uhh sure, I'll be there Monday see you there


Midoriya put his phone down and went downstairs to make breakfast. When the rest of the boys got up and ready they were greeted with the smell of pancakes and saw plates with pancakes for them when they went to the kitchen "whoa,this looks totally delicious" Sero commented " Midoriya did you make this?" he asked " yeah I kinda did." Everyone dug into the deliciously made breakfast in front of them and sat down to watch Netflix on the TV "So, what good movies do you guys know?" Kirishima asked scrolling through movies " Truth or Dare!" Bakugou and Sero said in unison "No!" Kaminari protested "Truth or Dare, Truth or Dare!" They started chanting " no,no, no!" he shouted " Come on Dunce Face, stop being a pussy," Bakugou argued " well...uhh... I'm gonna side with Kaminari on this one, can't we watch a different movie?" Midoriya asked " Pussy number 2, okay Shitty-hair your the tie breaker," Bakugou said " sorry Kaminari, but it's 'Truth or Dare' for me," Kirishima apologized " nooooo! Kirishima, you asshole," Kaminari yelled.

" AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Midoriya and Kaminari screamed hugging each other "OH COME ON NERDS! THE MOVIE'S BARELY STARTED!" Bakugou shouted at them " b-but that chick j-just set that lady o-on fire!" Kaminari stuttered" dude ,that's not even the scariest part " Sero said " I don't wanna watch this anymore!" Midoriya said covering his eyes " just shut up and watch the movie!" Bakugou ordered, Midoriya and Kaminari hid their faces and slightly peeked to see what was going on.

(~Time Skip~ After the movie)

"That was awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed "I can't believe it ended like that," Sero said " it wasn't that bad" Bakugou commented "I don't think I'll ever play Tru...that game ever again," Kaminari said shakily " I don't think I'll ever sleep ever again,"Midoriya said in a shaking voice.

When Midoriya's mom picked him up he sat in his room and and reread the message the he got from Todoroki this morning "is it a date or just hanging out?" Midoriya asked himself but before he could think about it any longer he got a text from Uraraka

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