Chapter 6: 7 minutes in heaven

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A/N : So I decided to not do a chapter on strip poker cause, to be honest I had a plan for it but I didn't like the way it was turning out so I decided to skip the chapter and move onto  ' 7 minutes in heaven'. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Midoriya's POV

Kirishima wrote down the pairings for who's gonna go into the broom closet with who, I was forced to play; again. I didn't really see the pairings Kirishima wrote down so I didn't know who I was going into the closet with, Kaminari was obviously not spending 7 minutes in heaven with Kirishima cause his boyfriend was the game master and sitting the game out " Okay, I'm only doing this cause I have a lot of confidence in my friend so the person who won the game of strip poker gets to spend an extra 3 minutes in the closet with their partner," I notice Kacchan look at Kirishima with an unreadable expression, Kirishima just gave him a thumbs up and started reading off the list as people got in and out of the closet.
A small part of me was worried I might get paired with Todoroki, cause it would be very akward but I would like to straighten things out so things would go back to normal; now the large part was afraid of being paired with Kacchan 'cause it would be kinda weird because of the fact that he kissed me normally and I, for some reason, took it upon myself to go one step further overstep some boundaries! Which kinda sends mixed signals to everybody.
"Deku?" Uraraka says confused " Huh? Oh sorry, do you say something?" "It's your turn,he's already in the closet now we're just waiting on you," I looked around to see who she was talking about ' Todoroki's still here so it can't be him, thank God, so who is–' my thoughts were interrupted when Uraraka pushed me into the closet.

" Come on Deku! Just get in there!"

" Wait, Uraraka who am I paired with?"

" You'll see when you get in, no GO!"

Uraraka pushes me into the closet and locks the door " great, stuck in a broom closet for seven minutes with God knows who," I mumble to myself " correction, ten minutes idiot," my heart sinks when I hear his voice, I did not, want to spend ten minutes alone with Kacchan! " Oi, nerd! Stop starring," Kacchan ordered and I immediately followed, Kacchan rolled his eyes " you know, when you act like that," he begins, inching closer " it kinda kills the vibe of this outfit." chills run down my spine "what, no more confidence? Is it because you broke up with that half and half bastard" I get angry and slap Kacchan right across the face, he looks at me in shock which breaks my heart but I have to stand stay strong and stand my ground, I feel a sense of dê ja vu as I look Kacchan dead in the eyes.

Bakugou's POV

I walk up to Deku and pin him against the wall, I can tell he's nervous "what, no more confidence? Is it because you broke up with that half and half bastard," instantly a hand flys across my face, Deku stares at me with anger lingering in his eyes. My cheek stings, he didn't even bat an eyelash when he did that " of course you'd say some shit like that, why do you have to be so inconsiderate! You don't have the right to say something like that," he yells at me.

I feel my eyes sting, I couldn't help it, I didn't want him to be angry at me so pulled him in for a hug "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it I swear" I start crying as I continue, I whisper softly in his ear " please don't be angry,I didn't mean it I promise, please forgive me" when I pulled away from the hug I could see the sympathy in his eyes " i- I forgive you Kacchan,but what you said was uncalled for and out of line even if you didn't mean it, don't ever do it again" he said sternly, I slightly chuckle and wipe my eyes "your scolding me like I'm a kid,"

"Well you do act childish sometimes," he says mater- of- factly

I look at my watch and sigh" still got eight minutes in here," I tell Deku,he stares at the floor before looking at me "well then, let's make the most of it," he says walking up to me " Kacchan," he says softly, my heart flutters and I can feel my face get hot "huh"  I say sheepishly.

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