Chapter 4: Never have I ever

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Midoriya's POV

When I got to Kirishima's house with Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki everyone looked.... different to say the least, Jiro and Kacchan didn't look that out of character though,"ladies and gentlemen!" Kirishima calls for our attention " Any and everything that happens here stays here,if you break or deface any item in this house, I will kill you!" he threatens with an innocent yet devilish smile,I think Kacchan's really rubbing off on him. When Kirishima's done speaking he walks up to me with a small notebook and pen "Hey Midoriya, can you be my gamemaster for tonight? It's kinda like being a referee you can also participate if you want to and you keep records of what happens in each round of each game," Kirishima explained what I had to do and how to do it and he gave me the notebook and pen, when I opened the book each page was titled with a game we had to play: Never have I ever,Spin the bottle, Strip poker and finally, 7 minutes in heaven. I've never played any of these games before but I've heard of all of them,I know that a guy like me in my situation should not play any of these games... but peer pressure is a manipulative bitch and I end up taking part in the first game:Never have I ever.

Kirishima went to his kitchen and came back with a large bottle that had a label that read, ' Apple Rush' "I'm guessing we all know the rules of 'never have I ever', if you've done whatever is said you drink,"

" Is this alcohol?"Jiro asks with a bit of excitement in her voice,which personally is mildly concerning.

"How much?" she asks, practically jumping in her seat

" well... there's enough to cause a little buzz,but there isn't enough to get you drunk right away,"

" How much do you have to drink to get drunk?" ' seriously something's up with this girl'

" IDK. I have a high alcohol tolerance is pretty high so it takes about two full bottles to start getting me loopy,"

" So it all depends on your alcohol tolerance?"

" Yep, pretty much."

" I do not condone this, U.A students should not be participating in such a game. We are not even the legal drinking age so it would be inappropriate to partake in such actions!"Iida says

Ignoring Iida,Kirishima and Jiro's Q&A went on for about 10 minutes before we actually started to play the game."Never have I ever, kicked someone in their special area," Momo said: Kacchan, Jiro, Mina, Asui and Uraraka chugged their drinks down,"wait Uraraka, you've kicked someone in the crotch?" Jiro asked almost in disbelief " It was an accident, I swear to God I didn't mean to!"

" How do you accidentally kick someone in the crotch?" Kaminari asks.

" I did karate when I was 8 and accidentally kicked my dad's crotch practicing some kicks,"

" Okay it's my turn!" Hagakure spoke up," never have I ever, kissed a boy" I could tell she was blushing even though I couldn't see it: me, Todoroki, Kacchan, Uraraka,Jiro, Kirishima and Kaminari finished their glasses.

"So Bakugou, who'd you kiss?" Mina asked contentivly

" WHY THE HELL 'YOU ASKIN' ME!" Kacchan yells

" 'Cause your the last person on Earth who I thought would get a kiss from another human being," she retorts.

" Ask pink cheeks or dunce face or whatever if they've ever made out with anybody,"

" I already know who they've kissed, even Todoroki surprisingly enough,"

Kacchan took a deep breath and held it before letting it out as a heavy sigh and began "I didn't kiss this person, they kissed me,"

"was he a friend of yours?"
Jiro asks curiously


"Well, Hagakure did say she's never kissed a boy,kero" Asui says bluntly

" And half the people here have kissed a person" Mina chimed in

" Now a small portion of that half have kissed a boy" Momo stated

" And this small portion consists of two girls and some gay dudes,"Uraraka says

" I think you know where we're going with this," the girls say in unison.

" FINE! It was a guy I know from middle school,we were at a secluded area near school 'cause I wanted to confront him about something then one thing led to another and, yeah"

Kaminari exclaimed


" So, who is this 'mystery nerd'?" Mina asks curiously

I wasn't sure if he was gonna tell them, I didn't want him to 'cause I never told Todoroki that I kissed Kacchan in middle school, I was never ready to tell him that story but it'd be worse if it came from someone else... I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, Kacchan took a quick glance at me before he began " the nerd was-" "ME!" I say immediately," hehe yep, I'm the nerd who kissed Kacchan" I lightly chuckle hoping to lighten the mood, it kinda worked cause everyone went crazy on how I kissed Kacchan and lived to tell the tale,but my gaze was fixated on Todoroki who just looked at me, with sheer disbelief..... my heart started racing

"Uhh guys, can we take a break? I don't feel so good" Uraraka said as she covered her mouth and ran to the nearest trash can before throwing up, " Okay guys, half an hour to sober up then we meet back here, " Kirishima declared. As everyone leaves the room I turn to Todoroki," don't fuckin' talk to me!" He snaps and walks out of the room, 'Dammit ' I think to myself, as the panic rises, my vision becomes blurred and my ears start ringing,I clench my chest as if hoping it would slow down the beating of my heart but it doesn't work, then... I feel a hand a ruffle my hair,"calm down loser, you gonna give yourself a heart attack" Kacchan says as he hands me a glass of water " uhh, thanks Kacchan" his sudden kindness confuses me but before I can voice my thoughts he asks "how does it work?"

"Huh?" I tilt my head a bit, not knowing what he's talking about

" Your panic attacks, you've had them for as long as I can remember,how do they work?" Kacchan elaborates

" Well I read that it's usually caused by stress and anxiety and-"

" Don't give me the Google extent! just tell me what causes yours,"

" Well... When I don't know how to react to a certain situation, I panic" I take a sip of water before I continue " the situations are never dangerous or serious but they're usually emotionally straining and whatever I do could affect me or the person I'm answering, so many bad scenarios come to my mind to the point where I don't know whether the decision I'll make is the right decision. The emotional strain becomes so much that my brain kinda short circuits and I pass out, but that only happens when the situation is really intense."

I realize I'm looking at the ceiling and sit up immediately to look at Kacchan, whose been stroking my hair while I subconsciously rested my head on his lap "when did I?" I ask with a raised eyebrow "IDK, somewhere in the middle of your little monologue I guess," he says with a shrug " O-kay~ why are you being so nice to me?" I ask " 'cause...well," he blushes and looks away as he continues " you don't look so easily I intimidated, and... this outfit kinda makes you look, cool" I slightly blush at this comment and smile to myself ' WOW! Kacchan said I look cool!'
"Don't get your hopes up,we'll be going back to class in Monday and you won't look so cool," Kacchan says ruffling my hair " Oh yeah," I say kind of disappointed, Kacchan stops ruffling my hair and lifts my chin "Kacchan?" I ask as he leans in and kisses me.......

Never have I ever, been willingly kissed by Kacchan


A/N : So this entire chapter was just Midoriya's POV, I hope you enjoyed the story so far and don't forget to comment and vote and whatnot see you next chapter.

Word count:1406 words

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