Love Triangle: Siyeon/Yoohyeon x Reader ☆ Patience

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Pairing: Siyeon x Fem!Reader and Yoohyeon x Fem!Reader

Warnings / Misc. -- Love Triangle, Angst, Pining, Fluff

Word Count: ~ 10,895

Requested: Yes

Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good day / night and that you enjoy this piece :) Drink some water!

💖 Happy Reading🌹

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- Three Months Ago -

Seoul Fair

The entirety of Seoul and its inhabitants fell silent as you tossed one final, plastic ring towards the sea of bottles in front of you. With bated breath, you watched as it sailed through the air.

One side of it hit first, causing it to flop back and forth while fate decided what to do with it.

After a tense few seconds, it circled around the corner bottle's rim and sunk down over the neck of it with a satisfying clink.

The crowd that had formed around you erupted with cheers and applause in an instant. You spun around in a rush, raising your arms into the air in celebration.

One person in particular caught your eye, with the soft smile that was on her face and the look of adoration that shined in her dark eyes. A few strands of her fluffy hair were blowing in the wind, caught by its currents.

Siyeon. Precisely the woman you were trying to win a prize for.

She opened her arms as you closed the short distance that stood between the two of you, catching you with ease as you leapt into them. She spun you around victoriously, sharing her cute little laugh with the world and warming your heart in the process.

She kissed your cheek before setting you back down on the ground, and you tugged her over to the booth so she could choose her prize.

Per her instruction, the worker used a hook and retrieved a wolf plushie from the top rack. She took it and you both thanked him before leaving.

"When did you get so good at that game, jagi?" Her arm looped with yours as she began to toy with the wolf's ears. The neon lights of the attractions around you washed over the park, causing the plushie's beady eyes to shine as they peered up at her.

"Beginner's luck," you shrugged, still smiling. "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it?" She stopped in her tracks, making you do the same.

"I love it. Best gift ever," she complimented, and leaned over to kiss your lips. You laughed against her as she pulled you in again and wound her arms around your middle, holding you close in her warm embrace.

She shivered when your hands pushed open her flannel jacket and made contact with her exposed midriff, caressing her skin. Your fingers looped in the waistband of her jeans, pulling her flush against your body as her lips moved against yours. She simply couldn't get enough of you; you were too perfect for words.

Just a little ways away, Yoohyeon watched the two of you with a scowl. The line that she was waiting in was stagnant and apparently incapable of any movement whatsoever, much to her annoyance. Her sudden change in attitude became apparent to both Jiu and Dami - who were standing in front of her - when she let out a light scoff into the night air.

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