OT7 HC's: Valentine's Day Plans

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Pairing: Dreamcatcher x GN!Reader

Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Suggestive Themes

A/N: Here's a belated Valentine's Day post for my favorite girls <3 I hope you all enjoy it! Drink some water and eat something tasty today, everyone.

💖 Happy Reading 🌹

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🌙 Jiu

- Shows up at your door with a whole bouquet of flowers, dressed to the nines

- Her eyes widen cutely and she blushes when she sees the outfit that you've chosen to wear

- She manages to recover before you can tease her too much

- You pull her into your arms for a hug and she buries her face in your neck, hiding her shyness

- She takes you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant, insisting that you order everything your heart desires

- She's saved up plenty of money for this special day with you, and she intends to spoil you

- You even try a few new dishes that you've been interested in for a while

- Also Jiu drinking alcohol???

- You almost have to go splash yourself with water, she's just too attractive

- After dinner is over, you take a stroll through the city during sunset

- (Maybe even grab some dessert from a vendor along the way)

- Holding hands and just talking about whatever comes to mind

- If you get chilly, she'll open the side of her jacket and wrap it around you, letting you snuggle up against her

- When you're on the sidewalk, she insists that you stay on the inside and she walks on the outside, closer to traffic. She's just protective like that <3

- So easy going and peaceful

- You tell jokes and make her crack up. Her laugh is so healing

- You even have a dad joke competition at one point

- She wins

- Obviously

- The sky looks absolutely gorgeous as the sunset progresses, with all the red and orange hues mingling throughout it

- You look over to see if Jiu is taking it all in, too, but you're surprised to see that she's already looking back at you with a sweet smile on her face

- She'd been like that for the past minute or so, just getting lost in the pretty curve of your smile and the way your eyes light up in precious awe

- She really couldn't take her eyes off of you

- You're far more beautiful to her than any sunset could ever dream of being

>> "Sorry, baby. Just got a little distracted." She smiles dorkily, failing miserably at hiding how in love with you she really is

- You steal a kiss from her, unable to help yourself


🌙 Sua

- You have to work for a few hours in the morning, but your boss lets you leave early and have the rest of the day off

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