Gahyeon ☆ Midnight Mercy

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Pairing: Gahyeon x Fem!Reader

Warnings / Misc. -- Smut, Somnophilia, Slight Degradation

Word Count: 2,607

Summary: The term "wet dream" takes on a whole new meaning in the middle of the night, nestled between the sheets of your bed.

Gahyeon needs your help in finishing what she unconsciously started.

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sorry for not uploading sooner; life just got in the way a bit. Buuuuut, I'm back now, and I've got a few writings already finished that I just have to edit and post for all of you to enjoy :) I hope you like this piece <3 Handong's story will be posted soon, also, so keep an eye out for that!

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"Y/N," a sleepy mumble came from behind you, paired with a bit of shuffling beneath the sheets.

"I'm here, Gah," you responded, equally as tired and fully aware that she was away in dreamland somewhere and incapable of actually hearing you.

"Y/N/N," she spoke again, this time a little louder - a little more forceful.

You rolled over, intertwining your legs with hers and laying an arm across her midriff to offer her some reassurance. Perhaps she'd feel it and fall back into a restful slumber again.

"Shhh," you soothed, the noise slightly altered from the way your cheek pressed against your pillow.

When your fingertips lightly stroked her side in a gentle, mindless pattern, she seemed to relax and settle down. Whatever was bothering her stopped, and you lazily smiled, falling back into the rhythm of sleep right behind her.

- 20 Minutes Later -

Unconscious, unintentional stimulation. That's all Gahyeon's mind cared about as it prompted her body to continue the slow grind that it had begun a few minutes prior, aiming to relieve the pressure that plagued her core.

Her hips wound in sensual circles and strokes, causing her clit to rub just right against something firm and warm that just so happened to be nearby.

Only when the rocking became more forceful did she begin to wake up, and only then did she realize what she had been doing. Her pulse was quicker than normal, pumping harder in her chest, and her breathing was faster, too.

Aided by what light the moon had to offer, she peeked down at where your bodies were joined. The covers had fallen - or been pushed - away, exposing both of you to the night air.

Both of her legs were wrapped around one of yours, and as she moved to reposition them, her mouth fell open instead.

A large wet spot glistened on your thigh, darkening the leg of your grey sweatpants in a way that both embarrassed Gahyeon and aroused her.

Though she hadn't meant to, she had nearly gotten herself off on you.

Her eyes tracked up to your face, where she found blissful ignorance etched into your features.

You were laid out on your back, breathing softly. The neckline of your tank top had ridden lower than it was meant to, due to your drowsy tossing and turning from before. She couldn't help but focus her attention there, admiring the way that your nipples were peaked beneath the thin material, just out of view.

She bit her lip, needing to busy her mouth.

The waistband of your sweats had long ago fallen below its proper place as well; your hip bones peeked out above it, and it was all her fault. Her grinding had slowly worked your pants down, pulling them little by little.

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