Jiu ☆ Payback

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Pairing: Jiu x Fem!8thMember!Reader

Warnings / Misc. -- Smut

Word Count: 2,317

Summary: Jiu gets needy, and it's all your fault. She intends to even the score.

A/N: Hi again, everyone! I hope you guys are having a good morning / day / night wherever you are. Here's Jiu's story; next up is Gahyeon! :)

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Y/N & Jiu's Room – DC Dorm

Seated in the middle of her bed and hard at work on a new song for the group's next album, Jiu sighed heavily. Her jaw clenched a time or two out of habit, trying to rid itself of the tension it held within.

A few lyrics were etched onto the pages of the notebook that laid in front of her crossed legs – some scribbled out while others had symbols or arrows above them in her best attempt at organization. Finding the right words was nearly impossible, and she'd been going in circles for the last half hour on how the chorus alone should flow.

Put simply, she was frustrated.

So, she laid her pencil down and pushed the notebook away, intending to make a trip to the kitchen for a short break.

Her sock-clad feet made contact with the hardwood as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, stretching them out for the first time in hours. She briefly reveled in the feeling, glad to rid her muscles of the ache they had to endure.

But as she stood up to leave, a notification lit her phone screen up, drawing her attention.

She grabbed it from the bedside table, pausing for a second to look at the smiling picture of you that she had set as her wallpaper.

Once she unlocked it, she found that the notification was from Weverse, and it was of your doing.

She clicked it without hesitation and read the caption that you wrote, feeling a grin grow on her face all the while: "It's almost time, Somnies! Here's some behind the scenes pics since you've been so patient ;)) #Y/NSoloD-7!"

She tutted and rolled her eyes at your habit of flirting, but she opened the pictures and began to look through them nonetheless. She returned to her initial position on the bed, promising herself she'd take her break once she was done.

You were far more important, after all. 

The first image was of you sitting in front of a table full of snacks that fans had prepared, with a goofy grin and two thumbs up aimed proudly at the camera.

The second featured you perched on the shoulders of two of the backup dancers with a prop cowboy hat pulled down to cover your face. Your arms were locked at the elbow as you mimicked a robot, and the two dancers were looking at one another skeptically, like you were crazy. Jiu could tell that you had forced them to just trust you and to go with it, probably saying that the fans would enjoy your oddness.

The smile on her face widened at the thought of that.

But, almost as quickly as it had appeared, that sweet expression of hers faltered.

When she swiped one final time and your third picture came into view, she suddenly understood why so many fans were commenting and liking the post at the speed of light. 

It was a solo shot of you in front of the mirror, holding your phone at an angle that captured both your front and back. Her eyes tracked the curve of your spine in the reflection and stopped at your ass, which she admired like a horny teenager. The pants that you wore were one of her favorite pairs on you, and she shook her head at the notion that you had purposefully planned all of this with the intention of ruining her.

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