Handong ☆ Positions

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Pairing: Handong x Fem!Reader

Warnings / Misc. -- Smut

Word Count: 2,210

Summary: When Handong asked you to show her some of the moves you learned in your latest yoga classes, she failed to think her own request through completely.

A/N: Hello again, everyone! Hope you guys are doing well :) Drink some water, take your meds, and eat something tasty today. Let me know if you like this story! <3

P.S. ~ Sorry for not uploading sooner! I was celebrating my birthday and couldn't find the time to post.

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"Dongie," you groaned, disappointment obvious in your tone. "I just showed you. There's no way you already forgot."

"Please, baby? I promise I'll get it this time."

Lie number one.

"Fine," you rolled your eyes.

She watched closely as you bent first to the left, extending your right arm above your head, and then mirrored that motion on the other side. When you recentered yourself and bent at the waist to touch your toes, completing the last position in the combo, a childish smirk pulled at her lips.

In the tight shorts you wore, your ass looked undeniably, certifiably fantastic. She couldn't help but stare; her hands balled into fists at her sides, wishing to touch you.

"Got it?" You asked, interrupting her dirty thoughts.

"Definitely," she nodded singularly.

Lie number two.

Unconvinced, you crossed your arms and raised your brows, silently instructing her to demonstrate what you'd done.

When you traded positions and she began, she already had the stance wrong. Her arm soon pointed in the wrong direction, stretching completely different muscles than the position was intended to.

A sigh slipped past your lips.

This was going to be a long process.


A Century Later

"You're so close, baby," you whined, "...just a little more for me."

Dongie's heavy breathing filled the living room, interrupted only by a weary groan.

"Y/N, no more... I c-can't."

Her muscles strained, sorer than she ever thought possible. A thin sheen of sweat coated her skin, making her effort plain to see. You'd had her in about a hundred different positions in the past hour alone, and she was spent.

"Do you want help?"

She leaned down a little more and peered at you through her legs, unamused.

"I want my girlfriend to stop being a sadist and let me rest."

"Have you forgotten that you're the one who asked for this?"

You took a few steps forward, approaching her.

"I didn't know they were teaching you methods of torture there!" She defended herself. "I never would've asked you to show me if I knew it'd be like this."

"Yah," you soothed, pressing up behind her. Your hips brushed against her ass as you settled your hands along the dips of her hips. "Quit complaining, will you?"

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