Feelings (KokuKazaDou 😩)

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💀Sexual Suggestions💀

"Oh Akaza-Chan~ I just need to teach you who is your master!~"


Douma's POV:

God.. I wonder if Kokushibo could do this huh? That bitch isn't any better than me!

He might be tall and handsome.... But that's not the point!

I looked back to Akaza I could feel his hot breath on my chest... he still smelled sweet as hydrangeas, and he didn't seem scared of the situation.

"Douma, what the hell? You just going to look at me or?- And I belong to nobody!" He looked grumpy, but even cuter!

"What do you mean? What about Kokushibo?" I puzzled at his offended face, but I ended up just getting distracted by how cute he looked! And to think Gyutaro thinks your too scary for Daki to hang around!

(Not canon just figured he would say that 😌👌)

"Really?! Kokushibo? I am my own person! I'll have you know I'm Uppermoon 3! A feared and independent demon!" His face turned into a pouted expression, I never though I would see him pout! As stubborn as he is I would have never guessed he could tease me back but now maybe he will! I felt a warm feeling tighten in my chest again, it dazzled me and I could feel my face heat up. Oh~ what it's like to be able to feel love!

I snapped out of it and focused on the situation I was presented with.

Akaza pinned to the wall, both hands above his head, looking up at me.

"So~ what's up?" I was back to my normal flirty tone and expression. "Your face. I can't see anything but it, you ass." I just blinked at him, I had forgotten that he was so short compared to me....

"Sorry about that shortie! Haven't you been looking up to me all these years though?" I could tell he was angry, as a irk mark appeared on his forehead, and I just laughed at him.

"What the hell you laughing at?!" (Your short ass 💅🙄) he huffed out hot air back at my face. "Well you and your cute behavior of course!~" He glared at me and another irk mark appeared, "I'm not cute you dumb whore!" He started to thrash in my grip, and I smirked at him. "Still too short~" I teased and he looked back up at me, going silent. "Call me short one more time and I swear I will pound your head in!" He raged at me, seems I found something else to tease him about! "Short~"

(Guys I just realized... my mom is 5'7, and I'm probably going to be 5'8- that's Akaza's height 😭✋✋✋(I'm a woman 😳)

Akaza head butted me, (learned it from Tanjiro probably 😔) I went flying backwards into the wall smirking at him with what was left of my face. He backed away from the wall and went to unlock the door but with a flash i was up and my hands stopped him as he gasped, my hands snaking down his waist.

"Akaza-dono? What's wrongs eh?~~"

I pinned him against a wall smirking while looking down on him, I could tell he was still pissed that I was looking down on him. "So- shortie... what's up?" He went to answer me with a heated reply, but my lips were faster, as I pressed my firm lips on his.

His eyes widened in shock once more, before excepting my kiss. This made me excited, I started biting his lip trying to get an entrance. But of course, he stubbornly declined my offer, I could tell he wanted to let me in, perhaps he was teasing me?!

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