Story 9 (17)

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Lilian woke up, looking at Jax. It was her birthday and she'd been sleeping in her own room again, even though she hated it. Nino walked in, falling onto her bed, in-between her and Jax.

"Morning bud." He smiled, petting the dog. "Morning beautiful. Happy Birthday."

"Morning." She smiled, shuffling over to cuddle him. His arms wrapped around his waist, kissing her slowly. She smiled into the kiss, responding with his body perfectly. She pulled herself up, straddling him, her legs either side of his hips.

"Well hello." He smirked, kissing her again.

"It's been a year..." She said.

"Since what Baby?" Nino mumbled, kissing her lightly again.

"Since I was sexually Assaulted." She replied. He froze. His hands moved down to rest in her thighs.

"It's okay babe. How are you feeling?" He asked, kissing her head.

"Excited. Safe. I have you." She mumbled, kissing him again before he got up. She followed him, Jax railing closely behind. They both got changed, stumbling down the stairs, seeing their parents waiting for Lilian.


"Happy birthday!" They all shouted, Lilian smiled, hugging all four of them.

"I know I gave you a ring. But.." Ian said, handing her a small black box. She opened it, seeing a small band with a diamond pushed in it.

"'s so pretty! What's this one for?" She asked.

"You have your purity ring, and in not expecting it to stay on much longer. This one's just to show my love. I do love you Lilian, you're my little girl." He said, kissing her head. She smiled, placing it on her middle finger. Nino encouraged her to open the other gifts, so she did, having loads of jewelry and clothes. Nino gave her flowers, a teddy, and a new necklace with a 'N' charm.

She opened it, smiling as she got excited, jumping into Ninos arms.
"I love you, I love you, I love you!!!" She screamed. "I mean.."

"I love you too Lily." He whispered, kissing her cheek. "Put it on." He said. She put it in, just as Dobrev walked down stairs, Jackson behind him.

"Happy birthday." They both said, hugging their sister. She smiled, watching Paul plate pancakes for everyone, handing her the first ones. They sat down together, eating their food, Nino resting his hand on her thigh the entire time.

"What are we doing today?" Lilian asked.

"Whatever you want princess." Paul said, "I think Stefan and Nino have something planned for you."

She looked at Stefan, who smiled, finishing his food, getting up and walking towards the shoe cupboard. He slipped on his shoes, handing Nino and Lily theirs.

"C'mon. We have a long drive, if we want to get there we have to leave now." Dobrev explained, grabbing the bag by the door, along with his keys and wallet. They left, Nino and Lilian sitting in the front.


They stopped at Niks, who slipped into the other back seat, then they stopped at Gracie's, who sat in the middle of both boys. They drive for what felt like hours, singing their hearts out, having fun conversations and feeling the wind in their hair.

"Where are we going?" She asked, her tiny hands pushed against Ninos. He smiled, kissing the side of her head. Nik handed her a blindfold, pushing it over her eyes. Everyone got out, before her door opened, a pair of hands guiding her.

"Neens?" She asked. He planted a caring kiss onto her cheek, when she heard the seagulls and waves. She loved the beach. It was her favourite place, this was the isolated beach, she could tell by how far they'd travelled.

Nino pulled the blindfold off, revealing a small, isolated beach. The sand was white, the water bright blue, a cabin, fairy lights and chairs on the porch, a fire pit in the sand.

"Guys..." She smiled, finally noticing they were holding food, drinks and bags, "I love you all so much!"

Nino smiled, handing her a bag. She ran off towards the hut to get changed, leaving everyone with each other.
"Do you love her?" Nik asked, sat on a beach chair.

"I've loved her for as long as I can remember. We could reset the system and play this game a hundred times over. I'd always love her." Nino said, a beer in his hand.

"Good. Don't fuck up Neens. I didn't stop loving her but I completely understand why it ended." Nik said.

"I get that man. How are you doing? Like...roll up your sleeves." He said.
Nik glanced at him, pleading with his eyes, but when he rolled up his sleeves, Ninos heart dropped. It was worse than last time. Scars overlapping, fresh cuts littering his arms. "Fuck."

"Stop beating yourself up over it Nik." Lilian said from behind him, her fingers running over the cuts. "You can feel guilty but stop cutting yourself. I'm not worth that much."

"You're worth a million lives." Nik mumbled. She didn't catch it. Nino did. He nodded, letting Lilian do as she pleased, giving her space to look at her ex's cuts.


They spent all day messing around, eating ice cream, drinking beers and playing around in the waves, waiting for the sun to set. As it did they got photos, sitting in the porch with the fairy lights on and the fire lit.

"It's beautiful out here." Lilian said, watching Grace on her phone, someone had called us.

"Joseph will be here for us in half an hour." She said.

"Okay. Have you guys got your stuff? I'll drop off anything you don't take in the morning." Nino said.

"The morning?" Lilian asked.

"Were spending the night Princess."

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