chapter two

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Bloody Fists
chapter two

Up into the air, and back into her palm.

"How come my orange is always rotten?" Demetri groaned, picking up the disgusting fruit "why do our parents fund these people if they can't even give us an eatable orange?"

Davina shrugged, twirling her orange around in her hand "mines perfect, guess that's what you get when you don't have parents to fund the school."

"Yours is perfect because the lunch ladies love you" Dementri claimed, scoffing at the end "maybe you should sign Eli and Demetri on your cookies you give them once a month. Do us a favour."

"Eli's name is signed on them, that's why his orange is fresh" Davina pointed at the fruit sitting on the boys lunch tray. Eli nodded his head beside her.

"Are you serious!" Dementri explained "I work my ass off just to get a double desert every lunch and he gets a perfect orange for something he didn't help making?"

Davina shrugged.

Eli looked between the two, smiling at the pair. It wasn't unusual for them to be going off at each other. They were always fighting, playfully of course, they were bestfriends at the end of the day. Demetri was a very opinionated person and Davina spoke up for herself, they clashed in fights a lot but managed to always make up.

Demetri accepted his defeat. Placing the orange back onto his tray.

Davina began to throw hers up into the air, catching it over and over again as her eyes stayed set on the chocolate milk Eli had on his tray. She had already had hers and was eyeing his off.

A figure approached the table "is it cool if I sit here?"

Demetri sighed "sorry, tables really blowing up right now" he motioned his hands towards the three empty seats, Miguel's eyes followed in confusion. Demetri continued "I can put you on the waitlist but it's probably next semester at the earliest"


Miguel went to move away. "No, I'm kidding. Sit" Demetri pointed at the chair beside him, Miguel sat down, placing his tray on the table "Miguel."

"Demetri, this is Davina and Eli." Demetri introduced, Migeul and Eli shared a brief look before Eli looked away. "He's a man of few words."

Miguel nodded, his eyes landing on the girl sitting between Eli and Demetri "what is she doing. . . Trying to burst his chocolate milk open?"

Demetri smiled at Davina's actions "close, seems like it. She's actually eyeing it off until Eli notices, he'll hand it to her, because he'll give Dav anything she wants, she'll say 'no, you don't have to!'" He said in a higher pitch to mimic his friend "and he'll place it on her tray as a 'you can take it' kind of way. Like I said, would do anything for her. She could murder someone and this little man would turn himself in" he mumbled towards Miguel.

"But she has her own chocolate milk" Miguel pointed out.

"Finished. Trust me, Davina loves her chocolate milk. She's got some chocolate milk addiction" Demetri continued

Miguel nodded.

Eli looked up from his tray, catching Davina looking at his chocolate milk he hands it to her without hesitation.

Davina smiled "no, you don't have to!"

Eli returned the smile, placing the milk onto her tray. Miguel and Demetri shared a look.

bloody fists , e. moskowitz & r. keeneWhere stories live. Discover now