chapter twelve

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Bloody Fists
chapter twelve

double punch , miguel let out a sharp rapid breath punching the air again.   "yo , miguel , calm down man.   save some for the tournament" hawk spoke up with his hands in his pocket. Davina stood next to him silently , hawk and herself hadn't talked about the kiss — or kisses they had shared the night beforehand but they held a mutual understanding , he liked her , she liked him. Their lips blended like yin and Yang.

miguel ignored him , punching the air again.

"don't even bother" aisha shook her head while speaking "he's been super aggro ever since the breakup"

The breakup, meaning when he had punched Sam in the face, accidentally of course.

Davina tapped her fingers against the smooth material of her jeans  "i mean , considering the circumstances the breakup fell under. it's fair for him to feel that way."

hawk nodded his head , looking around the crowded car park "where's sensei?   the tournaments gonna start soon."

"he'll be here."

"i don't know about that" the small blonde kid spoke up "i saw him last night at the mini-mall , i was buying a carton of milk.  .  . when i heard him in the parking lot , yelling."

"why didn't you tell us this earlier?" aisha questioned with a snappy tone.

"i don't know" the kid shrugged "i guess i'm so used to seeing him drunk , it didn't seem that big of a deal."

"well , we're here and he's not.  so it's officially a big deal" hawk cried out "what if something happened to him?"

"like what?"

"i don't know" hawk scrunch his nose up "like he drove his car off a cliff , or brought a gun and blew his brains out."

"no.  sensei would never kill himself.  that's too pussy of a move" aisha stated , making Davina's shoulder tense up.

noticing the uncomfortable look on Davina's face , hawk changed the subject with no hesitation "whatever , i mean we're here. we're gonna have to do it without him."

Davina let out a deep breath , calming her nerves down from the recent topic of conversation. "it'll be okay , he'll show up. its lolo , he cares more about this dojo than anything else— maybe apart from alcohol—"

"you're correct there, sparky " lawrence walked over to the small group , making it known that he was there. "Why are you here?" He questioned the girl

"Emotional support" Davina smiled up at him.

"we didn't think you were gonna show up" hawk interrupted

"i may not always win , but i never back out of a fight" he replied , Davina noticed his bloodshot eyes. he would've only been a few hours sober.

"all right , let's sign up" miguel spoke up with an angry yet determined look on his face.

"not yet" johnny stopped him , taking a glance at his students "there's one more lesson , i have to teach you"

. . .


Davina crossed her arms over her chest , facing johnny fully as he ran up to her just before she was entering the stands to watch with demetri to the side of her.

demetri gave her a small smile , telling her he would save a seat for her. before he left her alone with the sensei of cobra kai.

"lolo" she greeted back.

bloody fists , e. moskowitz & r. keeneWhere stories live. Discover now