Untitled Part 5

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I collapsed onto the couch in my common room- that is, the Slytherin common room, not the Griffindor one- and sighed. We had finally found our way to Hogsmeade and back again. We would have gotten to the sweets shop earlier, but the new edition to our "friend group", Peter Pettigrew, got lost in a tunnel and we had to go and rescue him.

Suddenly, a boy walked up to me. I would have liked to say he did not distract me from my potions essay, but that would have been a lie, because he did distract me. He had black hair and blue eyes and an amazing jawline.

He smirked a little, noticing my stare, and said, "You know, it's rude to stare."

I rolled my eyes. "A lot of things are rude. Including killing people."

See, I knew who this boy was. I knew his last name.


I was not one to prejudice against last names, whether pureblood or decidedly not so. But this boy... this boy, I could not help to feel a little anger for.

He, however, replied to my comment with a hurt look. "My name is Marvolo Riddle. Not Tom. And certainly not Voldemort."

I stared him back in the eye. "And I am Bellatrix Black. Not anyone else. And yet, people are afraid of me. Many more people must be afraid of you, with an uncle like yours. So I would assume that you are used to such treatment. Anyway, you gave me the "Death Eater" look before I gave it to you."

He laughed. "The 'Death Eater Look'?" He covered his mouth. "Wow, I didn't know there was one."

"Of course you did." For some reason, I did not find this boy funny in the least. "Now, if you excuse me, I would appreciate being able to get back to my nasty, awful dormitory. At least it's better than you." I glared at him defiantly, as if saying, go ahead. Go run off and tell your uncle to "Avada Kedavra" me to bits. I don't care.

And with that, I hopped up, totally forgetting about my essay on wormwood, (At least Slughorn liked me, he probably wouldn't blame me) and ran upstairs.


James grinned at me. "Ready?" he asked.

"I was born ready."

He messed with his hair, which I thought was pretty cute, and a grin came over his face. He fixed his glasses- which somehow looked really good on him, even though they would look nerdy on anyone else.

The paint bucket was a bit heavy, but it wouldn't matter. "Now for the final touch!" I pulled out my wand, performing a simple little charm to turn the paint into sparkling red and gold.

Remus, on my other side, grinned. Pettigrew, on James' side, looked like he was holding in a laugh.

"Three- two- one!" I whispered, and we let them fall from our . While the buckets were still in the air, I, from my perch on the rafters, whispered "Engorgio!" Remus seemed to have had the same flash of inspiration, and the paint quadrupled in quantity, finally spraying all over the Slytherins- and their meals.

We all laughed, and Peter fell from the rafters, James catching him just in time.

From somewhere below, Dumbledore cleared his throat. We silenced immediately.

"Students who have been hit by the... paint, please go back to your dormitories to wash. Students who are sitting up in the rafters-" at this he looked pointedly at us, and Peter and Sirius started laughing again- "See me in my office."

"Sure thing, headmaster!" James shouted, and I grinned. He held out his elbow to me, and said, "Shall we?"

I blushed, and then immediately frowned at myself. Why was I blushing? "We shall." I managed, and together, James, Peter, Remus, Sirius, and I jumped from the rafters, and landed on the table.

"Thank god for that charm I found..." Remus murmured, and we all laughed as we walked to Dumbledore's office.


It was a week later, and I was alone in the Griffindor common room with Remus, who was looking especially pale and bedraggled.

"Remus." I said, and he looked up from his Hogwarts, A History.

"Yeah, Bella?" he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"Remus, I think you should tell the others."

I was remembering one night- one scary night, when a young werewolf had come stalking into my house, his maniac grin covered in blood. He and my father had gone into the kitchen and shut the door to talk, but I had gone by the keyhole and listened.

"Fenrir, you know what the Dark Lord told you. Lie low."

"Yes, I know that, Mr. Black. But Lupin insulted me."

"It doesn't matter. No more reckless... biting, or you will have the Dark Lord to answer to."

"I know about your... furry little problem, Remus. And I think you need to tell the others. They'll be able to help."

Remus looked at me, mouth open. Then he hung his head. "You probably think I'm a monster..." he mumbled.

I scoffed. "You have a toothbrush with a three-minute timer. Please forgive me if I'm not shaking at the sight of you."

"You won't tell them, will you?"

And suddenly, I heard a tone in his voice- one frightened, and scared, but not of being a werewolf, but of being alone.

"Of course I won't, Remus. But... you shouldn't have to face it alone."

He looked at me. "You know, you're pretty alright, Bella."

"You're pretty alright yourself, Moony." I grinned at the nickname, and he grinned back.


Okay. 1: I am SOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating for so long!

2: Okay, I know this chapter sucks but forgive me- I have a massive headache.

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