Ch.1 [ The Strongest Man ]

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[Note: This is my first time writing a story so it might has some errors here and there; also it'll might be choppy but I'll go back and fix it.]

[you can see what is 'Fixed' or what is 'Not Edited' at the end of the Chapters.]

[I will be writing over the whole entire series but instead it will have you in it. Like a what if Story, You'll know soon enough once you read it lol]

[Other Note: This will for now be the Anime adaptation of the Series.]

[I Do not own the One Punch Man Series nor the Reader.]



There is nothing special going on at the time.

Everyone just went on their way like normal, people walk down the sidewalk to go to their jobs while others do what they always do. It is quiet and calm, just like what a normal civilized city should be.

But it all came to a stop when a loud explosion erupted out of nowhere from the sky, People who were close to the impact ran away once the explosion hit, some unfortunately weren't lucky to escape in time; frightened for what they had saw.

It landed near the buildings and streets, creating a large crater in the middle as smoke and dust slowly turned into mist, there stands a purple like Alien. His eyes looking around the area for a moment and soon jumping high up into the air.

Blue glowing orbs appeared around him, his teeth clenched when he whipped his hand infront of his presence, allowing the orbs to be thrown where ever he wants them to land.

It destroyed many buildings, streets and cars making More citizens flee in fear of them getting killed so unexpectedly to the Chaos.



Meanwhile at the Hero Association.

Pop ups of warnings flashed in red appeared onto the screens as Staff members sweatdropped to get heroes at the scene.

Staff Member 2: "It's Closing in!"

Staff Member 1: "Damn.! So Who's Available!"

The mans head turns around in his seat as his eyes land on the woman in the middle of the room, her fingers were frantic as she tapped on the keyboard.

Staff Member 3: "We have Confirmation that Lightning Max and Smile Man are on their way!"

Another male stood up from their chair, his hand pointing over to his assistant.

Staff Member 2: "Get me that threat level Assessment!"



Back to the incident.

The Two Hero's who are called in to handle the Threat were unfortunately unconscious, their bodies lying in a pile of rubble and debris, only 5 minutes had passed and unfortunately they didn't serve their purpose to defeat the creature.

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