Ch.9 [Unyielding Justice]

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Genos: "You are one of the Seafolk. Correct?"

Genos calls out to the sea creature, a look of no remorse.

Deep Sea King: "What if I am...You must be another soldier who's come to try and stop-"

Genos: "I am here to eradicate you!"

His arms glowed with extreme heat and soon charged head on towards the monster and lands his fist in the side of the Deep Sea King's cheek, sending the creature to growl at the impact. Genos finally finished it off by blasting the monster out of the dome, his fire blast was huge as it soon shimmered down later on, the Monster nowhere to be seen in his sight, only a hole was left where he ended the creature.

Genos: "Target eliminated...was that the last of them?"

He turns towards the crowd who was simply quiet while it all happened, before cheering out loud as Genos still had that same stoic and serious expression on his face, the rain drenched his body yet again.

Genos: 'They must have been quite desperate..'

Without thinking too much and ignoring what's behind him, the monster finally came back instantly, grabbing a hold of the Cyborgs arm and punching him straight in the face, his arm was torn off of his body then he was thrown into the wall inside the building's dome.

Deep Sea King: "Now I'm angry...I will tear you to SHREDS!"

The monster growled out as the side of his cheek was completely gone. Meanwhile Genos struggled to get up, his wires sparking in the socket of where his arm was torn off, the side of his face was gone as there was only the under face construction of the metal revealed.

Genos: "I let my guard down...why do I never learn..!"

He groaned out to himself as he glared down the monster ahead.


Busho: 'Saitama...'

Busho thought to himself, his eyes looking down at the screen that had Saitama's data biography and history of the Hero Association.

Busho: "You're Class-C Rank 2... are you sure about this?"

Saitama: "Yeah, hurry it up. It's raining."

He can tell that the male couldn't care less about the dangers ahead.

Busho: 'He'd burst through every record during the fitness exam... and he worked with some Class-S Heroes to destroy that meteor.. But because he came out of nowhere, people are saying he's a fraud... any other Class-C Hero I'd stop...'

He then turns towards Jinzuren if he can go with the plan he's been thinking, Jinzuren immediately knew what he had in mind as he looked back at him.

Jinzuren: "Let him go, this may be our chance to see how strong he really is."

Jinzuren replied as the other male can't help but agree, he began to speak again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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