Ch.3 [ The Obsessive Scientist ]

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[All of the chapters will be really detailed and long from now on.]

[it'll be rare to have a short chapter
in this book ● _ ● ]



Long ago, there existed a brilliant young Scientist.

Though the musings of his astonishing genius, he was able to make a number of significant contributions to human knowledge.

Eventually however, his accomplishments led him to be disalugent with the world, Though he was constantly showered with praise for the intricacies and revolutionary creation of his mind, none of his ideas or theories ever received even a slightest bit of support from the scientific community.

Rather then advancing human civilization, his goal was the artificial evolution of humans as a species. That, was the only dream he ever had.

But not a single person came forward to help him achieve his vision.

And so he devoted himself to research, but It was only after he turned 70 and his efforts yielded the results he'd been searching for.

First, The Scientist regained the prime age range of his youth, next he began cloning himself on Mass. He named his laboratory The 'House Of Evolution' and with his clones, he conducted countless experiments with animals; creating new life and new species.

His experiments then shifted to human subjects-

Saitama: "ugh this is taking too long!!""

The robot dropped his seriousness when he saw the angry bald man towering over him.

Saitama: "What's this got to do with [Name]! Your just tryna sound cool again.."

He looks down with embarrassment written on his face.

"Enough gibber-gabber just get to the point okay!.."

He rudly exclaimed to the animal as Genos also joined in with a deep glare. [Name]? Well she just stayed silent between the two.

Genos: "My Master and Sensei are both very busy people. Summarise it all in Twenty words or less."

He Demanded.

The Armoured Gorilla sweated and quickly apologized, he doesn't want to get killed in anyway possible from these three, Or else it will be quite embarrassing if he did..

Armoured Gorilla: "Sure, sorry about that..!"

"So... in other words, the boss man has become passionately curious about you and your body."

He spoke to the [H/C] haired female.

[Name] cupped her cheek with her hand and side glanced to the side, abit flustered of what the Gorilla just said.

[Name]: "oh That's a shame, I hardly even know him to get that far..."

Genos: "Master. that isn't what he meant."

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