Ch.6 [The Terrifying City]

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[I broke my Ankle so bad, It hurts so much😭👍.]




Saitama: 'It's been five days since I debuted as a professional hero. They're haven't been any serious incidents so far. However...the mist of this new beginning, Genos ended up staying at my house..:

He moves his manga to the side as he glanced over to Genos with a weird look, he was absolutely defeated. He sees that Genos is mostly focused in his notebook.

Saitama: "so uh..what are you writing over there."

Genos: "I'm recording the details of your lessons in training regiment."

The notebook has the angles of how Saitama's sits aswell as how he holds his manga in his hands, almost as if he thinks that is how Saitama trains. The older male then pierces his nose as he shuts his eyes closed.

Saitama: 'Crap... he's raising the bar again.. I can't think of a single thing I could possibly teach this guy...! I feel bad! Like I'm scamming him or something!..If only [Name] was here she'll probably teach him about tech stuff..

Come on think!...just make up some techniques or spiritual theory or...something!! Augh!! Strength training is all I got, I know Genos won't be satisfied with that. Plus the dudes a CYBORG!!!-'

Genos: "By the way."

Saitama: "Huh?"

Genos: "Earlier at the Seminar, they said if you are a Class-C hero and you have not activity for a week, your Name will be removed from the hero registry. Will you be alright Sensei?"

Saitama gasped, he instantly got in his face.

Saitama: "Seriously they said that?..!"

Genos: "Yes."

Saitama: "But I was watching TV and there was nothing to act on!"

Genos: "The news only reports major incidents, like natural disasters, terrorism and dangerous monsters. You always battle the most powerful enemies, so your probably not aware of this..."

The Cyborg continued to look at him as he held up his mechanical pencil, Saitama was speechless to comprehend on what he was hearing.

Genos: "..But Class-C heroes mostly take care of purse snatchers, robberies, and random attacks. With Class-C so full of heroes, they must actively look for cases to survive. Many get discouraged and change careers. Much in the same way a sales men makes cold calls, nothing will come your way without leg work."

Saitama was breathing heavily before he started to yell.

Saitama: "This is no time to be reading Manga!!!"

He then instantly started to put on his hero suit as Genos instantly got up from the table, he tood there as he watched the older man get in his suit.

Genos: "Are we leaving?"

Saitama: "I am!- you stay here! Don't you get it?! If I'm with a Class-S hero like you, then I wouldn't take any credit!!"

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