Ch.5 [The Ultimate Mentors]

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[sorry for not being able to update this book, it's been 7 months?!😞 I was very busy and lost my attention to be on social media due to focusing on my future, I did Written the 5th chapter but it was all on the phone that SOMEONE has stolen from me, I lost so much progress for the next upcoming chapters too. Now I have to use a shitty android phone for the time being.]

[So there's gonna be A BUNCH of errors.]

[Thank you for 1k reads tho!!🎉]




-A City Hero Association HQ-


"it's decided, Mumen Rider will remain the top ranked Class-C Hero."

"understood. I will inform him of our decision."

"It's baffling. I don't know why he has no desire to move up to Class-B."

Men in suits gathered around the large table to discuss the updates of the Hero Association, Mostly because they had new soon-to-be-Hero participants sighing up to be apart of the organization. The man who was looking down at his papers began speaking again as he looked up at the others

"Our next item on the agenda for this meeting? The Fifty-Fifth Hero certification exam and the circumstances surrounding it. Currently the total number of candidates is...?"

As the men began to look through their assignments he turns his head to the business woman behind the podium, waiting for her to answer his question.

"Over Eleven thousand, With the exam offer at six different venues, That's an increase of more than 22% over the previous exam."

They were astonished by the numbers, except for the only old male within the meeting.

"We mustn't be happy with simple quantity, even with more candidates. If the quality of heroes is reduced, then the numbers are meaningless."

He then gestured towards the charts, it is true for what he is saying, even if more people are signed up, the less quality for a hero with high rates to be successful will be at a low percent than the people who are weak and insufficient, causing a weak point for the association and the safety for the citizens.

"Therefore, we must be even more critical during evaluations. Also, it is my understanding a certain 'person of interest' is taking the exam this time."

He looks at the male who had a stubble beard, he had his hands on a portfolio as he answered the man back.

Busho: "Yessir, it hasn't been confirmed yet. But I'm confident that his participation will indeed occur."








-Hero Test Location 6-


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