Chapter 7

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Marcy's Pov

The annoying sound of the morning alarm started , telling Marcy it was time to unfortunately wake up.

-god - she thought.

She slowly turned off the alarm and just stared at the blank ceiling, trying to figure out how to find the strength to get up .
Another day , another hell to survive .

A month has passed , ever since their fight . Anne has tried to reach out to her several times , but with no results . Nowdays  Marcy's "mission" was to avoid Anne as much as possible. It's not like she could say anything to her: She felt trapped .
She's always told Anne all her secrets , and Anne always told hers ; but this time , it was different . She couldn't comfront her about the truth .

She slowly got up from her bed , walking through all the piles of clothes casually hanging around all messy , almost as if they represented her mind . Waking up had become harder each day ; falling asleep in her empty cold room was becoming harder ,too.
She brushed her teeth and randomly picked a gray sweater from her wardrobe , oversized , to cover up everything she didn't want others to see .
As usual she skipped breakfast and started mentally preparing to see the devil who was making her life impossible.

Her parents were always working , but when they were home , the only thing they did was to criticize Marcy's behaviour and how her grades were rapidly lowering . She just stayed quiet until her parents snapped at her and hit her. Physical pain didn't matter anymore . She derserved it from what she was doing to Anne.

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Anne's pov

At the entrance i see Sasha waving at me and i start going towards her .
I look around trying to find her among the crowds of students but she's nowhere to be seen.

"Still looking for Marcy around?"
Sasha could read me so easily. She always has this ability . After all ,she was good at manipulation and at understanding people's emotions . In this last month she's been a sort of psychology and supporter , giving advices on what she should do in this difficult situation. Ever since her parents got a divorce she's been more mature and kind toward others . I'm grateful to have her as a friend , she has done so much for me .

"I - I'm so tired of this . You're right .I should just stop insisting . I've done nothing but trying to fix things , and the only thing she does is pretend i never existed in the first place . "

" I don't know Marcy as well as you do but yeah , in this case i think it's better if you stop , at least , for now . She's the one who has to come back . If she doesn't it means she didn't deserve you. ever ."
Sasha gave me a sympathetic look.

"Hey , if you ever feel down i'm always in to hang out and just have fun , okay?"

"Thank you".

Meanwhile, Marcy was waiting for Avery at their usual spot .
- I feel nauseous-
The thought of kissing her again made her sick. She couldn't take it anymore. She had become like their personal puppet, ready to do everything they asked for in exchange of not revealing her secret .

"Hey dolly face "

Her body become cold and stiff hearing their voice .

"Hm? What's that ? You don't wanna look at me?"

Marcy felt her knees tremble .

They grabbed her neck with force .

"Remember you're mine. You can't just ignore me . Look me in the eyes and answer me . Otherwise ..."

They started to squeeze her neck harder and harder , until Marcy started crying .

"Oh come on stop acting like i'm the bad guy!You're being a baby Mars . not cool"
They let her neck go .
Marcy was taking some breaths , trying to recover from their violence .

"Have you got what I asked ?"

"I- Y-Yes"
She took a pack of cigarettes from her backpack , giving them to Avery .

"Good girl . Come here "
Marcy didn't move .



Marcy immediately went towards them , walking like a robot .Each step was painful.
Avery basically jumped on her lips , touching all the curves in her body like it was their property; treating her like an object ;taking advantage of her.

"That's enough for now.let's go to school shall we ?"


Marcy followed them quietly , trying not to faint from exhaustion.

She couldn't stand this situation anymore .She felt completely disgusted with herself . She hated being touched by Avery , every single touch was burning her skin . Her bruises , her scars , were the only thing she could feel . Pain is the only thing she could feel. Her parents didn't care , her teachers didn't care. She couldn't talk with anybody about this . Lately she's been thinking that maybe, if she just disappeared, nobody would notice . Nobody would cry . Anne would forget her soon . At least she would stop feeling . She didn't wanna feel anything anymore . She was tired .

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Guyssss i just discovered we reached 1M views !! I'm so happy this story is being seen and don't worry im still here , i will finish this story . Please spare me and give me time and patience , school is taking so much of my time and nowadays it's hard for me to write chapters . it's also hard when you have so many ideas but don't know how to put them in order!! kinda having a block lately. please spare me and thank you for being here still reading <3 see you next time readers !!

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