Chapter One: Alone Once Again

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Von ran. The sickos followed in persuit. That's what he called the zombies. Sickos. It was a good name for the disgusting features of the flesh eating monsters. Puss pouring out of the blisters the sickos had, the mixture of blood and puss on their skin made Von almost puke. Four sickos chased after him, the one at their lead tried grabbing Von's backpack but he wasn't close enough. The sicko almost seemed to give up at one point but the moans and screams of his companions made him keep going after the wonderful piece of meat in front of them. Von was already tired. It felt like he had been running forever and he was out of breath. The pictures of his friends being ripped apart still flashing through his mind. They had set up camp at a gas station. No one had looted it so the boys and girls got lucky with lots of food and water. They were all settling in when Von noticed sickos running towards the station. The fifteen kids inside scrambled around for weapons but it was no use. Von was the only one who got out. He was alone. He was scared. He had no weapons and he knew his legs would stop soon. He looked at his surroundings and found that most of the stores on the street were burned down. No building in sight was in the best condition. He had to find somewhere to hide. Movement caught his eyes ahead of him. Someone was watching. He couldn't see who and the figure darted away fast as possible. As Von ran he wondered if it was a kid or a sicko. The growls behind him stopped and Von knew he outran them. He turned around to find the sickos running in a different direction. They may be going after his friends. Maybe more made it? He saw Chuck and Angela die. Those were his two best friends. Always lighting his mood up. It doesn't matter who it was. He wasn't going back. He was scared. He was alone now. All by himself. He had no survival instinct. The leader of the gas station group was named Ajay. He made all the big decisions. Von didn't have to deal with anything until now. He had to find food, shelter, and weapons. Otherwise, he would be dead.

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