uno // chapter one

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'Mnnn,' the male lost within the pillowy heaven turned to his other side slowly. 'Is this.. heaven? Have I died..?'

Carefully, Asher opened his eyelids, somewhat disappointed to find he was lying in the middle of his new mattress. He groggily looked around the sleeping area before falling back, ready to fall asleep again. It was way too early to be up. He could feel his jetlag from several days ago creep back within his system.

'Whatever,' he huffed. 'A few more minutes wouldn't hurt...'

"Asher!! Get up, you're gonna be late!!!"

The boy rolled his eyes under his shut eyelids, groaning as his skin was exposed to the cold, bare floor while he stood. 'I love that woman, but holy shit. Probably woke up the entire neighborhood.'

After stretching out his muscles, satisfying pops being heard in the process, he lazed to the bathroom to quickly get ready for the day ahead of him. He's been in the new house for a few days, but he still hadn't gotten enough to recover. Aside that, Asher began to slowly slide the hideous school uniform onto his body.

"Good lord. Who in their right mind designed this..?" he snarled at the ugly blazer that was required to wear. He opted for typing it around his waist instead of wearing it properly. He would probably get in trouble if he were seen but... it's not bad unless he got caught.

"Ah, you're awake. Good," Asher's mother hummed. She had been plating breakfast for the two of them. "Thought I'd have to come up there and wake you."

Despite the mental strain that has been put on his mother for the past several years, she still looked as young as ever. Many would envy her youthful look. Short, blonde hair and shiny blue eyes. Her skin was pale, which only added to her beauty. Her and Asher hardly looked anything like. However, the boy was proud to say he came from two attractive individuals.

Asher clicked his tongue, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the dining table. "No way would I be able to sleep through your screeching. " The brunette scanned his eyes across the table, seeing how much food there was. "Uh... why's there so much?"

"Because it's your first day back in a Japanese school!" His mother spoke giddily, soon settling in front of her son to dig into her own plate. "I want your mind and body to be prepared for today. Your Japanese is clearly getting better, too. I'm so proud."

He hummed in response, picking at his food lightly. "Still not gonna use that honorific shit. Feels weird."

"What'd I tell you about cursing?" She subtly kicked his shin underneath the table. "They take respect on a whole 'nother level here. Either you go along with it, or you'll have trouble getting around."

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