Chapter 6
I rubbed my thighs as Penelope and I sat on the couch waiting for Maribel to explain why a guy was chained to a wall in her house and why he had wings.
“This is seriously fucked up.” I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.
“It's your fault we're in this mess.” Penelope snapped back, folding her arms across her chest and leaning back. I slowly looked over at her and held back the urge to flick her.
“Sorry to keep you two waiting.” Maribel said walking into the living room. Behind her was the guy who had the wings, only this time he looked different. His once long black and white streaked hair was now short and just black. He had also traded in the ripped shirt and gloves for a thin black t-shirt and a white over shirt. He wore the same leather jacket, jeans and bracelets.
Now that I could see him closer and in a different light, his face was very slender and well defined. His cheekbones were deep and he had a roman nose. Maribel cleared her throat and he took a seat in the chair far away from us.
“This is Trevor Mazza. He is my brother.” Maribel said matter of fact way.
“What the hell is this Maribel?” I asked her. She snapped her head at me and causally took a seat in the desk that floated down from the ceiling. How she does that, I will never know. She folded her hands and observed us for a second.
“It's exactly what I just told you. Trevor is my brother.” I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“That's not what I meant.” I layed back into the chair and crossed my arms.
“Why was he chained to a wall in a room and better yet” I leaned forward and placed my elbows on my knees,
“Why did he have huge ass black wings coming out of his back?” Maribel started laughing and I looked over at Trevor and saw he had a blank look on his face. Like emotions didn't conform well with his body.
“You are one to talk my dear Kingsley.” Maribel said finishing her laughter and then sighing at me.
“Excuse me?” Penelope asked sounding offended. Shouldn't I be the one who is offended? Maribel gasped and then looked at us.
“Oh I see what has happened here.” a smile then grew on her face.
“Nothing deary, just a slip of my tongue that’s all.” She then clapped her hands and pointed at Trevor.
“I should explain yes?” I snorted at her rhetorical question.
“Okay well, I am what you call a demon hybrid. My mother was a demon while my father was a mortal. That is why I posses these powers.”
“You mean like how our clothes change every morning?” Penelope asked.
“Correct.” Maribel smiled. “Now, my father died due to a reason I am not entitled to tell you. Needless to say, my mother remarried a demon and my brother was created.” She said pointing at Trevor again.
“So, he's not your full brother?” Penelope sounded curious. I was not curious, I was worried.
“Never mind that! He's a demon! A full on demon, and you're half a demon! Didn't you fight demons and you're having us fight them for you now?” I yelled. My face began to burn up. A number one sign I was pissed.
“Well, if you had let me finish you wouldn't be saying all that.” Maribel said raising an eyebrow at me. I felt something snap in me and my arm started hurting. I realized what she was doing and cursed under my breath. “Continue.” I said shamefully. She smiled and nodded.
“After Trevor was born my parents were betrayed by fellow demons and brutally murder while taking Trevor away with them. Since that day I had claimed to avenge their deaths and reclaim Trevor. After five ears of fighting, I found out Trevor had escaped and was missing. In hopes I could still find him I continued fighting.” She looked over at Trevor and he looked up at her.
“I remember coming home one day after a long day on the job and finding Trevor lying on the platform in his own puddle of blood. I thought he was as good as dead. Until I noticed his wounds were already healed and he was just knocked out. From that day, I decided I needed to quit my job as a demon hunter and help take care of Trevor.” She smiled at him and he gave her a smirk.
“Wait wait. That doesn't explain why he was chained to the wall.” I said . I was still very confused. Maribel sighed.
“Long story short, I put a magic spell on the chains. I lock him up so if I’m gone for a long period of time then if someone comes to try and take him they can't.”
“And where were you this time?” Penelope spoke up. I looked over at her shocked and apparently so did Maribel.
“I was watching you two on your first assignment of course.” She said and then turned and smiled at me. She saw. My eyes widened and she chuckled at my fear.
“Speaking of the job.” Maribel said snapping her fingers and a file flew out of a wall. I jumped and Penelope looked at me like I had grown two heads.
Magic or not, it still scared me shitless.
“We need to work on your strength Penelope so what happened today wont happen again.” Maribel snapped her fingers again and a burgundy bag fell into Penelope's lap.
“Those are pills. Take one before any battle and you should be able to out do any demons charm.” Penelope nodded and examined the bag and its contents.
“Great. I always wanted pills.” Penelope said in a sardonic tone. I rolled my eyes and looked at Maribel.
“When's the next appointment?” I asked preparing myself to get up. She looked through a couple of papers and then slamened them down. She took her glasses off and looked at me.
“Why is she looking at you like she's going to snap your neck?” Penelope whispered. My question was when did she get glasses.
“You will have an appointment,” she said putting quotations around appointment, “Everyday until every demon is destroyed.” I nodded my head.
“Oh. I got ya.” I stood up and Maribel did the same.
“Before you two leave, you should know you will be gaining a new companion.” She walked over to Trevor and put her hand on his shoulder.
“From now on, Trevor will be coming to pick you two up and help you out in whatever way he can.” She said smiling. I gave her weak smile back and just nodded my head.
“Well thanks again Maribel! We'll see you later.” Penelope said making her way to the door.
“I'll meet you in a second.” I told her. She nodded and continued toward the door. I turned around and walked to Maribel.
“You saw what I did back there?” I asked referring to the battle earlier. She looked at me and smiled.
“I did deary.” She said patting my cheek and turning to her desk. I grabbed her arm and pulled her around.
“Do you know what it is?” I asked her. I was praying she knew cause I sure as hell didn't. She sighed and jerked out of my grip.
“What you have in you is a demon spirit. Once they die their spirit makes a journey back to hell. Some, on the other hand, don't make it. They get sidetracked and end up in the bodies of something living. Could be a dog or a bird, but it is more likely to be seen in humans.” I stepped back and grabbed my head as I processed the information.
How could their be a demon in me? I used to think it was impossible but now I could be mistaken.
“Once they enter the body they are weak. The more you kill for it, the stronger it gets.” My eyes widened and Maribel dropped her head and looked at me seriously.
“How many people have you killed with this demon Kingsely?” she asked sternly.

Romance**I am editing this book currently. I'm trying to fix it so it isn't big long paragraphs. So work with me on that, its going to take some time.*** Kingsley's life hasn't been the best. After loosing his parents at a young age, having to deal with dr...