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The videos did blow up. It caused you to attract new fans, which was good, but it also made you notice something was wrong with your outside. A tiny little part of your skirt had ripped while you were dancing. Nobody had noticed it that day, not even the stylist.

Netizens and fans were praising you for being so professional but instead of being happy, you felt guilty. They were praising you without even knowing the truth.

You decided to tell the fans about it as soon as you had your first live. And luckily, the live would be later today, at 6pm. You didn't want fans and netizens to be saying things and praising you for something you didn't know of. It wouldn't be fair.

Your manager had told you that even if saying the truth was the correct option, you shouldn't say anything about it because it could bring many more people to the fandom. You decided not to take his advice, since sooner or later people would find out it was all a lie and bash you with hate all the time. You wouldn't be able to take it.

You've always wanted to be a role model for others and lying is not what you want those who look up to you to do.

The girls were okay with you saying the truth. In fact, they wanted you to do so. They know how much weight it would have on you if you lied to the fans. They were the most important thing in your life. You wouldn't want to disappoint them.

"It'll all be okay, Y/N... The fans will be happy to know you'd rather say the truth than lie to them" Chaewon said, trying to make you relax.

Yes, even though you decided to say the truth, you were worried that the fans would react badly to what you would say.

The other three girls had been trying to make you feel better, like Chaewon did, but it was no use. Worrying was something you did quite often.

"Perhaps... should we call Channie-Oppa to come here and cheer you up?" Hana suggested teasingly, which made you blush.

"Oh? Does our Y/N have a little crush~?" Yerim asked in the same tone as the other girl had used. You shook your head quickly, not wanting to tell them about your-so-called crush.

"You shouldn't have a crush on him, Y/N. You know that if Dispatch finds out, there will be a huge scandal" Jieun warned you.

You knew it was wrong. You wouldn't want to ruin both your and his reputation. You knew that if that happened both the girls in your group and the boys in Chan's group would get attacked for absolutely no reason. You wouldn't mind getting hate it that meant the others would be fine, but that definitely wouldn't be what would happen. The girls' safety was your priority, both in mental and physical ways.

"There's no need to call him, I'll be fine. We have to practice anyways, don't we?" You asked, getting up from the floor of the practice room. You had been practicing for a while now but as soon as you had time to rest, your mind instantly wandered to the lie that was currently going around the internet.

Just as you were about to go back to practicing, someone walked in. Both you and the other four girls looked over at the door to see who had just walked in, coming to realization that the person was none other than Lily from NMixx. You were nearly sure the girl didn't think anyone else would be there, as she had a sort of shocked expression in her face.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know unnies were here!" The female said, confirming your thoughts.

"It's fine, we were about to start practicing. You know, back from our little break" Hana said to the girl, who sighed in relief.

"Good, I was worried I had interrupted you... Well, I'll leave you to practicing and come here later!" The youngest said cheerfully before walking out the room and closing the door behind her.

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