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"Y/N? Can you come to my office for a bit, please?" JYP, who had came by the practice room to check on you, asked.

The rumours of you and Chan dating had now made their way to social media and the fans from both groups were going crazy. Some supported it. Some didn't. Some didn't pick a side. But the big question was if you would get kicked out of the group. You were supposed to wait three years until you could date. But you didn't and that was what worried the real fans. They didn't want GEM to be four. They wanted GEM to remain as five.

You made your way to your boss's office and before you knocked, you let out a soft sigh. You really didn't know what was expecting you.

"Come in" JYP said, you walking in the man's office.

"PD-Nim, what do you need?" You asked, being afraid of what the older would say.

The man looked at you and sighed. "There are rumours that you're dating Chan. And you know that if that is indeed true, you violated one of the most important rules in the contract. I'd hate to lose such a talented person, Y/N"

"I..." You started. "I am dating Chan. And I let it take way too much of my time. I understand if you decide to kick me out of the group, they don't deserve to be teammates with someone who's so careless" You admitted.

"I'll give you two options. You either leave the company immediately or stay in the group but you'd have to break up with Chan and be on hiatus for an undefined time"

You didn't want to break up with Chan. But you didn't want to leave the group either.

"I'll stay. And I'll break up with Chan. Do I have to tell the fans about the hiatus?"

"We will do so ourselves. I expect you to end any sort of relationship you have with him as soon as you walk out this office" The older said, his eyes showing that he didn't really want any of this to happen.

You nodded, bowing before walking out. Tears begun to stream down your face as soon as you closed the door behind you. You had never thought that having a relationship with someone could make this happen. 'What if' scenarios were running through your mind. What if you had never dated him? What if you had never caught feelings? What if you and Chan had been better at hiding your relationship?

Before you knew, you were already at you soon to be ex's studio's door. Wiping your tears away quickly, you knocked.

"Come in!" You heard Chan's voice from inside the room.

You stood still for a few seconds, trying to gather the courage to walk in but your legs wouldn't allow you to move.

Chan, who had no clue about what was going to happen, got impatient and got up from his chair, walking to the door and opening it himself.

"Y/N? Why didn't you come in?" The male asked, tilting his head.

"We have to break up, I'm sorry" You said in one breath before bowing, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes once again.

"What..?" He asked, still seeming to be processing what you had just said. "You want to break up?"

You shook your head, looking up at him. "No. But we have to..."

He didn't get angry. He was just sad. It was all so sudden. He should've thought about it since the first time you didn't reply to his messages. But he didn't. Not once did he think about this. He simply thought you had a lot to deal with and would be back to your normal self sooner or later. But now he was sure that wasn't going to happen. Not with you as his girlfriend. Maybe as his ex but not as his girlfriend.

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