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'Hey, it's me, Chan. I got your number from Felix, I hope you don't mind' You read the text for the fifth time now. Your brain was working at full speed. Maybe this had been the reason Felix had asked you for your number. Because Chan wanted it and couldn't bring himself to ask you.

You were heading back to the dorm with the girls after another performance. Luckily, you had won this day's trophy. You've never felt so grateful to be in a group with four other girls and to have such amazing fans who didn't stop voting for you to win. You posted on Instagram a few pictures you had taken with the trophy backstage and when you got to the dorm, you got a message from an unknown number. Your curiosity brought you to the moment that's happening right now. You standing in front of the door of your shared room, simply not moving.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Chaewon asked, tapping ur shoulder gently, snapping you back to reality. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. Your cheeks flushed a soft red.

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright" You quickly locked your screen, not letting the other girl see it. "Still thinking about us winning... It seems so surreal..."

The girl seemed to buy your lie and smiled. "Yeah, it does feel surreal. Manager oppa let us order something to celebrate so whenever you want, feel free to join us" You nodded as she walked to the kitchen, possibly to join the other girls and your manager in ordering some food.

You went inside the room and sat down before unlocking your phone. The messages app was still open, so you immediately saw the message Chan had sent you.

Chan, on the other hand, was staring at his phone nervously. His message had been seen. Yet, you hadn't replied. He thought maybe he had seemed a bit creepy.

'This is Y/N, right?' The male messaged you once again. You definitely had to reply this time, since this time he had asked a question.

'Hello oppa! Yeah, this is me!' Chan let out a sigh, being relieved. He wasn't sure wether you would reply or not so when the three dots that indicated you were typing appeared, his heart started beating faster than it usually does. This feeling was driving him crazy.

'So, why'd you decide to text me, oppa?' Crap. How was he supposed to reply? He couldn't just confess his crush. But he also didn't want to lie.

'Oh you know... I overheard Felix talking to the boys, telling them how he'd gotten your number and decided to ask him for it. If you want me to, I can delete your number' You didn't want him to delete your number. Neither did he.

'Ah I see. No no, it's okay, you don't have to delete it'

Long story short, it's been 3 hours now, you haven't eaten with the girls and the manager. Chaewon had asked you if you were gonna eat with them but you simply said you weren't hungry. None of the girls suspected of what you were actually doing.

'You're actually my bias, y'know?' Chan texted. The male behind the screen was smiling. And so were you. You couldn't believe your own eyes. Your bias saying you were his bias. Seemed like a dream come true.

'You're my bias too, oppa' A soft blush was evident in the male's cheeks. Just as he was about to reply, Jeongin walked in.

"Hyung? What's making you blush?" The youngest asked. Chan chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing nothing. You're probably imagining things, Innie" The oldest said, making the youngest sigh. Jeongin knew the oldest was hiding something from him but decided to shrug it off, getting what he needed from the room and proceeding to leave.

'Oh really? That's nice to know!' Your heart skipped a beat at every text the male sent. Knowing he was happy made you happy as well.

'It's getting late. I should go to sleep' The male pouted, reading your text. He didn't want to stop texting you.

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