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You didn't know what to say. Even though you wanted him to kiss you, you were scared. If people found out about this, both of you could lose your jobs, your reputation would go down the drain. And even worse, not only you but also your members would get attacked.

Before you even realized it, a pair of soft lips were on yours. Chan's lips were on yours. The male brought his hands up to your cheeks and caressed them as you were still processing the kiss.

You had nodded unconsciously and now you couldn't help but to thank your unconscious self. Your arms slowly made their way up to the male's chest, your hands laying there.

Not even a minute later, the male broke the kiss. A smile was plastered on his face.

"Now, we've got to act like nothing happened~ None of our members can find out about this for a while" Chan said softly, caressing your cheek.

You simply nodded, as you weren't able to talk. It was like the words you had ever learnt had been taken from you.

"Speechless? Did you... Did you not like the kiss?" The male was getting worried, as you hadn't said a word since he had placed his lips on yours.

"I..." You took a deep breath. "I liked it" The male looked relieved when he heard your words. "I just... Have been wanting this for so long and now that I finally had it, I didn't know how to react"

He chuckled before staring at you like you meant the entire world to him. "You're adorable, Y/N~"

"Shut up, oppa.." You mumbled, watching as the male sighed.

"We should both go to our rooms before any of our members start suspecting something, I'll text you later, okay?" He kissed your forehead before making his way back to his members.

You couldn't move for some seconds, your heart racing as you thought about what had just happened. After crushing on Chan for so long, you finally had your feelings returned.


Months passed by and you had to do everything to keep your relationship with Chan a secret from your members and even family. No one could know about the two of you.

This meant there were soft stares every once in a while when the two of you walked past each other or just happened to be in the same room by coincidence. Chan would sneak in the practice room when he knew you would be there, using helping you as an excuse to be there. He would help you sometimes but most of the times he had sneaked in were actually to talk to you about how much he had been missing you or to say some video of you had given him inspiration for a new song.

He'd also buy you tiny snacks and place them in your hands when the others weren't looking and you'd have to pretend you had just gotten them from a vending machine nearby.

Everything was going to plan. Except for one thing.

You had a feeling one of the girls had already found out about your relationship but you couldn't figure out who it had been.

"I don't think any of them found out, love. If that was true, I'm sure the one who knew about it would've mentioned it already" Chan said, playing with your hair as you rested your head on his shoulder. He had invited you to his studio so you could listen to some of the songs he had produced but never made it to any album and you ended up talking while listening to said songs.

"But... There's no way none of them has found out... We've almost gotten caught a lot of times... Especially by Jieun and Chaewon-Unnie" You sighed.

"C'mon I'm sure they'll say something if they find out about us. Don't worry about it now, yeah?"

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