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Chan finished the song a couple days later. Now he just needed to ask PD-Nim for permission to release it.

The male knocked on his PD-Nim's door before getting permission to go in.

"Chan! What brings you here?" JYP smiled at the youngest, who was his favorite idol in the whole company.

"Hyung... I made this song and I want to know if I could possibly release it" Chan said, handing his boss a pen drive which contained only the song he wanted him to listen.

The oldest inserted the pen drive in his computer and put the song Chan had made on. By the time it was over, Chan's heart was beating like crazy.

"So..?" The youngest managed to let out.

The oldest stared at the other for a couple seconds before speaking. "You can release it"

Chan couldn't help but hug his boss. "Thank you so much!!"


The song got released four days later. Chan had decided to go check the comments once a few hours passed after the song was released.

'There's no way this man isn't in love'

'This is my new favorite song, thank you Channie'

'Damn I wish he had made that for me'

The comment section was full of STAYs complimenting the male. He wanted to reply to a few but he couldn't, he knew he'd get in trouble.

He couldn't help but to think about you. And you? You were doing the exact same thing.

Chaewon had gotten the notification from the JYPE youtube channel and decided to check it out. Knowing about your little crush on the male, she decided to show you the song.

"Y/N, you need to listen to this!" The girl was excited, happiness being clear in her eyes. She handed you her phone, the youtube page being open on the song Chan had gotten the permission to release.

You grabbed her phone and stared at the screen for a bit before pressing play. The song started echoing from the other girl's phone and into your ears.

'So I made this song for us, baby this is our melody' The song came to an end. A smile was plastered on your face, your cheeks slowly becoming a soft shade of red.

"I seriously think he made that while thinking of you, Y/N" Chaewon said, almost in a whisper.

You shook your head quickly. "That's impossible, he seems me as nothing more than a friend... or maybe a work colleague, nothing else"

Chaewon sighed. "Whatever you say, Y/N"

"So, who's the song about, hyung?" Jeongin had figured everything out. That his leader lied to him and that the song was about someone.

Chan didn't know how to react when the youngest told him he knew he had lied. "Um... it's about this girl..."

"Do I know her?"

"Sort of..? I think..." Chan knew the youngest would find out who it was about sooner or later. But he wanted to keep it a secret for a little longer.

Jeongin asked one more question, which he knew that the answer from the other, if it was a positive one, would get him closer to finding out who the song is about "Does she work here as well?"

Knowing there was no use in lying, and especially because Jeongin would find out anyways, Chan decided to say the truth. "Yes, she does"

The youngest sighed. "Hyung, you know that liking someone can possibly get you in trouble, right?"

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