Chapter Two

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Lilyanna comestoo and finds herself being half upside down. She opens her eyes butfinds only dots of light to see. She realizes that there is a sackover her head and that she is being carried by a big burly man fromthe feel of the man under her, from the prickling of his body hair tothe soft and puffiness of his skin.

All of asudden, the man carrying her stops, and she finds herself rolling offhis shoulder and making contact with the hard ground, stealing herbreath out of her chest. They then pull the sack off her head, makingit able for her to finally get oxygen back into her lungs.

She takes ingulps of fresh air before she gets a better look at the men whograbbed her. She recognizes the man who was carrying her by his bigbury appearance. She then looks towards the man's companion and findshim the complete opposite. Lean, clean-shaven, and young.

But what bringsa shiver down her spine are the cold dead eyes filled with maliciousintent in them.

They give herwater before tying her hands together and settling in for a rest. Sheguesses they were waiting for the sun to appear seeing as it was afew hours before dawn.

Lilyanna leansagainst the tree trunk they had set her in front of and closes hereyes. So much for getting to Camelot to learn how to control herpowers when she was going to die even before she got there. That orbe put into slavery.

She wished shehad her weapons. But everything she owned was back in the cave themen kidnapped her from. If she had them or was brave enough to useher magic, she would have overpowered those men and would still be onher way to Camelot.

In spite of theposition she is sitting in, Lilyanna falls asleep and dreams aboutbeing taken back to her father's castle where she is forced to showhim her magic to save her mother in front of the entire kingdom. Sheis then sentenced to death by burning at the stake in spite of magicnot being outlawed in her father's kingdom. Just as she is beingrescued from the scorching flames by the one called Emrys, she is shaken awake.

"Get up!"The puffy man says, roughly standing her up before she orientsherself.

"Get moving!"His companion says, putting the sack back over her head and pushingher forward.

Lilyannastumbles a few steps due to not being able to see in front of her asshe moves forward.

All of asudden, she is being slung over the man's shoulder again like a sackof grain. Her head slams into the man's hard back, causing a poundingheadache to accompany the blood rushing to her head. Too quickly, shefinds herself blacking out once more.

But for once,Lilyanna finds relief in the darkness.

When she comesback too, she hears a ringing in her ears and the feeling of the coldhard ground on her back. The sack over her head is ripped off and herhead is slammed into the ground. As her vision swirls above her. Shevaguely can tell that she is in a meeting room of sorts. She noticesa shadowy figure looking down upon her. When her vision finally stopsswirling, she finds herself staring at the face of the person whohelped her discover her magic.

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