Chapter One

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Lilyanna was awakened by a sudden light of a candle beaming upon her face. Blinking open her eyes, she finds her mother standing over her. Confusion overcomes her at the sight of her. She quickly rises up, rubbing her eyes to clear them, all the while wondering if she was in a dream.

"Mother?" Lilyanna mumbles.

"Get up." Her mother demands. She pulls on Lilyanna's arm. "We need to hurry and there is no time to explain."

Lilyanna hears fear and anxiousness in her mother's voice, telling her that something was wrong. This fully wakes Lilyanna up. She takes in her mother and sees fear is making her tremble. Her mother pulls back the blankets that cover Lilyanna and hastily shoves a pair of men's clothing intoLilyanna's arms.

"Here. Put these on. We need to hurry." Her mother instructs before leaving Lilyanna'schambers without another word.

Feeling the urgency of her mother, Lilyanna quickly pulls off her dressing gown and slips into the trousers and a cotton puffy shirt. Over the shirt, she puts on a black leather vest and stuffs her naked feet into an oversized pair of men's boots. She could tell that they belonged to one of the stable boys. Lilyanna shuffles to her dresser, grabs a random piece of cloth, and ties her long brown locks out of her face.

Concerned for her mother and wondering if she was going to return soon, Lilyanna takes a chance and peeks her head out of her chamber doors. She finds her mother approaching the door with a sack and a forest green cloak in her arms. She hands Lilyanna the cloak, who puts it around her shoulders, and then hands her the sack.

"There is bread, cheese, and a flask of wine in there that should last you at least three days if you eat sparingly." Lilyanna's mother instructs her. She then begins pulling Lilyanna down the corridor and a flight of stairs. "We need to quickly get to the stables."

Lilyanna follows her mother down, all the while trying to find a way to ask her mother what was wrong and why was she so scared. They finally reach the bottom of the stairs and Lilyanna grabs hold of the paused moment. She forces her mother to stop. "Mother. What is going on? Why are you so afraid?"

Her mother stays quiet, fear still stricken on her face.

"Please, tell me."Lilyanna pleads.

When her mother doesn't utter a word, Lilyanna takes a step closer to her mother and glares at her for her silence. "I am not moving one more step until you tell me why you are so afraid and are forcing me to flee to the stables in the middle of the night."

Her mother takes a deep breath and some of her fear lessens. She takes a hold of Lilyanna'shands. "My dear, the reason I am taking you to the stables is that your father has found out that your magic is growing too strong for him to keep under control. It will only be a matter of time before he comes and puts you under lock and key."

Fear begins to rise in Lilianna's chest. She knew she would not be able to survive any more brutality from her father. She had enough trouble forgetting the pain her father had already inflicted on her the day before. She looks at her mother. "What am I going to do? Where will I go?"

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