Chapter 4: Hit or Miss

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They watched the grid for any signs of Lawyer Kong's ships. There was nothing at first. Then, there was a faint glow of red around a buoy on the left, near the top. Mario walked over and tapped it with a pencil, indicating for an officer to zoom in on it. When that happened, the red was much more noticeable. Mario turned to Shroomy.

Mario: That buoy's underwater.

The red around the buoy went dark and we can see one of Lawyer Kong's ships. Another buoy right next to the one before went red.

Mario: That's a ship.

He turned to Saiko.

Mario: Get on your gun.

Saiko: Aye sir.

They each put on their headsets and prepared to fire. Melony was out on the left bridge wing to see if there was an explosion from the missiles. Once a third buoy went red, Shroomy gave the order to target an area.

Shroomy: Target, Echo One-One.

Saiko: Roger, Echo One-One.

She put the coordinates into the targeting system and the buoy targeted was surrounded by a yellow square.

Saiko: Ready to fire.

Shroomy: When we fire, they will know where we are.

Mario: So we just have to make sure we don't miss.

The seconds ticked by. Everyone held their breath as they waited for the targeted buoy to turn red. After an almost agonizingly long time, the buoy went red.

Shroomy: Fire!

The Churchill fired off two Tomahawk cruise missiles. Everyone watched as the missiles closed in on their target. Once they got right on top of the target, they disappeared. Without radar, they had to rely on visual confirmation.

Mario: Melony, anything.

Melony: Negative, Mario. It's a miss.

Everyone in the room turned back to the screen, wondering what Lawyer Kong's henchmen were going to do next. Finally, a buoy diagonal to the one targeted was underwater, and then another.

Shroomy: It's heading towards us.


Back on land, the three meme guardians were waiting on SMG3.

SMG1: You ready?

SMG3 just looked back at the large number of Nintendo Ninjas and back at 1.

SMG3: I'm sorry, but there is no possible way I'm going down there. I don't have that kind of courage.

SMG1: Right now, you're going to acquire that courage, or you can be the one responsible for us losing our home.

SMG3 looked at the ground in contemplation.

SMG1: You feel me?

SMG3: ...Yeah. Yeah I feel you.

SMG1: Go, now.

SMG3 began to crawl his way towards the security checkpoint. After getting past all the security devices and ninjas, 3 got into the main office. He three computer monitors that said that there was a satellite dish out of alignment. Then, he saw a Nintendo Ninja approaching and hid next to a window. He watched as a transport helicopter dropped a container. Whether there were parts or weapons or something he couldn't even fathom, SMG3 didn't know nor have time to care about. He looked around and found what he was looking for; an old HAM radio. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a Nintendo Ninja standing at the door, looking at him. His hands began to shake as the ninja approached him. It looked at him curiously and reached out a hand, then it put it down on the case the radio was in that was being shaken by 3's hands. It then looked back at 3, studying him, before finally deciding he wasn't worth it and left. After that, SMG3 ran like hell, and didn't stop until he got back to the other two.

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