Chapter 5 -Nia-

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After hanging up with my brother I turn to look at Lucas who is sitting on the couch kinda staring at me. "Thanks... You know for asking me to hang with you and Mickey today. I had a lot of fun, he's a little sweetheart."

I say giving him a shy smile. "Yea no worries. I had fun and I know Mickey was on cloud nine!" He says with a chuckle.

"He's a good boy. He's really sweet, and actually really calm." I smile trying to hide my pain. "What's wrong Nia?"

Damn I guess it didn't work. Before I respond I get a text.

Noe: Hey Yaya I'm outside. Come on mom is working late tonight and I want tortas from Taqueria Lorena's.

"That's my brother he's here. I guess I'll have to tell you next time." I say giving Lucas a sly smile.

"Yea you will. Oh let me give you my number," he holds out his hand and I give him my cell.

Handing it back to me he gets up. "Text me when you guys get home so I know your cool." He says as I get up, kiss Mickey on the forehead and walk to the door.


It's been about two weeks since I hung out with Mickey and Lucas. Although I talk to Mickey every morning and Lucas and I have lunch together like everyday. He sits with me, my brother and a bunch of our friends.

Mariah is doing better. She's back at school now. Although we all kinda keep a look out. And usually Mark, Ramon and Raymond are with her.

Tonight's me and Noe's 18th birthday. We are having a party at our house and my mother is currently decorating.

"Mammi!? Can I please do something?! I feel like a loser just standing here!" I say stomping my foot like a four year old.

"Ay Nia! Go! Ya I'm done listening to you. You are my only daughter and I want do this for you and your brother! So go get ready and I'll see you in two hours!" She says turning me and lightly spanking my butt.

Walking into my room I grab my bra, panties, basketball shorts and a tank so I can shower. Walking into the bathroom I lock it and turn on the water before stripping and getting in.

I take a total of ten minutes before I get out, dress and head back to my room where I find Mariah waiting for me.

"Hey Mar? What's up chica?" I say smiling. "Waiting for you so we can get ready!" Mar smiles and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Okay okay! Damn!" I say walking to my closet to grab my turquoise flowy tank, dark blue skinny jeans, tan blazer, and my flat sandals.

I change in my closet and Mar changes in my room. After I brush out my long dark hair and begin blow drying it, while mar uses my curling iron on hers.

Twenty minutes later I have my hair dried and slightly curled at the ends. We are applying a minimal amount of make up to complete tonight's 'birthday' look.

"You look great! Tonight's gonna be awesome!" Mariah gushes as she adds her accessories. Laughing I hear my message tone goes off a few times.

One from Noe,

Noe: you ready Yaya?

One from Mark.

Mark: I'll be there like five minutes late. There's hella traffic on Capitol!

And the last one is from Lucas,

Lucas: Hey Mickey wanted to say happy birthday and that he's sorry he's sick. I'm leaving him with my mom and I'll be at the party. :)

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